"Did I do something wrong?" I ask him

He look carefully into my eyes ... I can't read his emotion... He seems like he is sad though... He looks worry

"I..I also don't know" he answer

What does he mean by?

"Oh oh.. Sorry for make u wait.. Shall we go?" Kris say as he come out of bedroom

"Ok.. Will u let go of my hand?" Baekhyun ask me and I realised that I was holding his hand

"S..sorry " I say

"U can eat dinner without me.. I might be late tonight " kris say and they two left me

Late? Why? .....

It is now .. 11 pm and my Brother still don't come back

The whole day...what were they doing?

Then ... Kris come back home

"Aww...still not sleep yet?" He ask me

"Where did u and him go? What were u two doing ?"

"Look.. I am tired and gonna sleep"


"Did I ask u when u are late or u didn't come back home? I didn't right? That's why don't ask me "

What the hell?? Damn!


Next day at cafe ...

Where is that hyung

He doesn't even come to cafe

Meeting with baekhyun again?

"Welcome to our cafe........" I say but " Hyung... Kid.."

It is kris and baekhyun

They have been together?

"There is someone u need to meet " baekhyun say to me "come in miss " he say

That was very unexpected to see her.... I can only see her in my dreams but ... Now a reality?

"Nana..? " I say

"Annyeong Chanyeol ya" she say

"Have your time " kris say and he leave with baekhyun

Me and nana sit down and talk

"Has been a Long time right?" She say

"Aww..imm..have u been well?"

"Yes..I am .... U?"

"Me too... And... Can I ask how... How do u come and see me?"

"Your Brother and the other boy were searching for me..I don't know how they found out my address though . The other boy who come with your Brother said the incident that my Father died is not ur false so he begged me not to blame u. And if my feelings aren't changed yet, he asked me to think of you again . He said he couldn't look at u feel lonely and cold. He wanted u to be with someone u love . From that I have known that u still have feelings for me . I agreed to come here because I still have feelings for u Chanyeol ya. I was also wrong . Let's forgive each other . Shall we?"

(Chanbaek) This is Love? Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum