I heard a low rumbling coming from the other side of the corridor. The thing had arrived! My heartbeat shot up and I hoped the animal wasn't able to hear it. But then it had to discover me or the trap wouldn't work. For a moment I wanted to run away. To get away from a fear I hadn't had before despite having been in several deadly situations. Only those were against intelligent beings, not a voracious mindless eating machine.

I manned up because I had to do it for Tashee, Naylee and Wendy. They were all that mattered now. I gripped the grenade tightly.

'YO! UGLY!' I shouted in the doorway. How cliché could I be? But I had no time to think up historical one-liners.

It was too dark to see clearly, but I did see it almost filling the corridor. Fuck! It was much bigger than it looked from a distance. I wanted to piss my pants.

'YOUR FOOD IS WAITING HERE!' I shouted, wanting it to rush me and get it over with.

It let out a low rumbling and stepped forward. Not sure if my eyes played tricks on me, but I could swear it was grinning at me from the little I saw of the dark green dinosaur thing. If I had to guess it was close to the infamous raptors. Maybe a mini T-Rex.

I didn't like how it just moved slowly towards me, and not run at me as I expected. Shit, this thing might be smarter than we anticipated. I hate how I could have underestimated an enemy. I grabbed a rock at my feet and threw it. It bounced of its head and it let out a roar which was deafening in these confined spaces. I did get it to run at me and I sprinted to the other side of the room. At the door I looked over my shoulder to see it running through the cut of branches at me. I grabbed the door. Waited as long as I dared. Pulled hard at it to close it behind me and ran through the hallway door, back to the first door. I heard it growling louder and stopped dead in my tracks when its head appeared from the first doorway.

FUCKSHITMOTHERFUCKINGHELLSHIT! It had turned around and come back! SHIT! For a second I saw its eye focus on me, then I willed my legs into turning around and run.

I heard it rumble and run after me and I nearly lost all thoughts except for the one that said flee. I crashed through the bend in the hallway. Probably bruised my shoulder badly. Heard it behind me. Ran, too late in noticing the junction to the side entrance, kept running. Crash through another corner. Thing still behind me, maybe a little farther but never far enough. Can't miss this junction. Push myself to the left. Nearly lost my footing and stumbled for a moment before regaining control of my feet and ran for the outside.

My girls saw me sprinting out of the entrance and expected an explosion, but when the thing rushed out after me panic gripped their hearts.

'RAFE!' I heard Naylee scream. She and Tashee rushed down the tree and I yelled for them to stay put. I would not let them get near this thing!

I sprinted into the side entrance, hoping to increase the distance in the hallways where it was slowed down by its size. I needed to think! How do I trap it!? I ran to the observation room and turned to see it wait at the other side of the hallway, observing me. It seemed to wait until I go into the room or down the other hallway. Either way it would try to cut off my path.

I went through the different outcomes in my mind when I heard it roar and twitch.

'GET OUT RAFE!' I heard Naylee yell from behind the thing. She must have attacked it to distract it from me!

I ran down the hallway and outside, where I turned the corner to see her coming my way with the thing following her closely.

'I told you to stay put!' I said as we both ran back into the bunker.

'You better not think we stay and only watch when you in danger! We kill you ourselves!' she said. 'And we have drone looking for us!'


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