I was pondering about setting camp for the night or try to reach the top when I heard Wendy bark a warning. I walked up to her and saw she had found a crevice hidden between the trees and bushes, deep and wide enough to not come back up once you fall down there.

'Careful, girl.' I said, peering into it, then step back before the urge to jump in started.

'It would be safer to set up camp.' I told her and she agreed with a bark.

I spotted a small clearing in the tree cover and headed that way. I just stepped into the clearing when the Silth appeared. I heard the double tap from a gun while I ducked sideways. The first bullet missed me. The second hit my shoulder.

I avoided hitting my shoulder when I fell and only had a split second to react to one of them jumping me. Twisting my body, I caught it with my feet and send it flying. A crack told me it had landed very badly on something. The second one came at me the moment I got on my feet and slashed me with its claws as I weaved and hit it aside. It recovered quickly and went for me again. Before it reached me Wendy jumped at it with a snarl. It stumbled, I grabbed it and swung it hard into a clump of trees. It rotated with a yelp of pain, then saw it go down the edge of the crevice.

'OKAA!' I heard the first Silth yell and dive at the second's arm, who had grabbed onto a bush. Just as the first one grabbed the second's wrist, the bush uprooted and the second dangled into the crevice.

'OKAA!' the first one yelled again and it had sent another chill down my spine, just like the first time I heard her yell that word, reminding me of a moment I my past I never wanted to experience again.

I had learned enough of their language to know the second one was the first's mother. The first one tried desperately to pull up its mother, but I saw the pain in its face and the way it squirmed. It must have broken a rib or two when I kicked her away. It wouldn't be able to save her on her own.

'DAMMIT!' I shouted in my frustration and moved to the Silth. I laid down, reaching my good arm out to the mother. 'Grab on to me!'

Her blue eyes met mine in stunned surprise.

'I said grab on to me!'

She looked at her child who was in pain, then let go with one hand to grab my wrist. Pain shot through my wound as I pulled with all my strength.

My heart was still beating fast and I panted while I sat back against a tree and Wendy licked my face in concern. I let out a weak chuckle and stroked her head.

'I'm all right, girl.' I whispered, happy to see how much she cared. 'I'm all right.'

The mother Silth spoke to its child, then looked back at me. I was in too much pain to wonder if they still wanted to kill me. She moved towards me and I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to finish the job. I would still fight, but I didn't show I was ready.

She sat down on her knees before me and she reminded me of a black panther I had seen in a video. The Silth had smaller muzzles and noses though, more like a house cat, as were their ears, only those were bigger in proportion. And their tails were like normal felines at the base, then grew thick and fluffy with a short point at the end. She wore the standard military green sleeveless jacket and cargo pants and her black fur was dusty from our fight.

'Why you save me?' she asked.

I knew their kind would have learned our language, just as we did for the advantage in war, but I was still surprised to actually hear one speak. She did have a slight lisp, which I suspected they'd all have when speaking. It would make communication easier, but I wouldn't reveal my knowledge of their language just yet.

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