Chapter 20: Training time!

Start from the beginning

Temari: 9

Kankuro: 5

Gaara: 7

Shikamaru: 10

Dosu: 8

Ryuki: lucky 3

Neji: 2

Shino: 6

Ibiki: So that means sasuke will be number 4.

Third hokage: Okay now I'll tell you how the finals are gonna work so listen closely. 

Naruto: HUH?

Shikamaru: So that's what the numbers are for? Some kinda lottery?

Third hokage: Ibiki can you show which ninjas have been paired up.

Ibiki: Right. (shows the clipboard to all the competitors)

Ryuki: (Thinks to himself: No way. You gotta be shitting me. I get to fight sasuke.....perfect now I can whoop his ass with an audience)

Shikamaru: I have one question. Since this is some kind of tournament, does this mean that it's gonna only be one winner? One chunnin? One graduate?

Third hokage: Actually the opposite. There is gonna be several judges for the final round. Myself, the shinobi leaders and the kazekage, the lords from the various countries that will ultimately be assigning missions to you. They will all analyze you through battle and see if any of you or one are worthy of becoming a chunnin. Even if someone loses the first round, you can still become a chunnin.

Ryuki: So what your saying is that there's a good chance that every single one of us can become chunnins' no matter the outcome.

Third hokage: Correct, but there's also a chance neither of you will be chosen. Basically the more rounds you advance to the more you can display your skills. Does that answer your question shikamaru and Ryuki?

Shikamaru: Yeah, I guess.

Ryuki: Pretty much.

Third hokage: I thank you all for your patience now let us all adjourn until next month.

Ryuki: Well guess it's about time I take my leave. See ya around. (walks out the room)

Asuma: Congrats on making it to the finals guys.

Ryuki: (turns back around after hearing Asuma's voice) Yeah and I get to fight sasuke too. Man I'm stocked for this. I gotta thing or two I wanna do to him.

Shikamaru: (Yawns) What a drag. This whole thing is just one big drag.

Ryuki: Don't interrupt my revenge talk with your laziness!

Asuma: Well seeing that you two made it this far I guess I'm gonna take you under my wing until the finals begin.

Ryuki: Aw yeah! Sensei's gonna train me!

Shikamaru: Jesus, why are you so hyper all of the sudden.

Ryuki: Because (Makes a fist and tighten his grip) I've been waiting for this day ever since I ran into him. Also If I win and Naruto wins I get to fight him next. 

Asuma: (chuckles) That's some good spirit you got there kid. Keep it up. So meet me on training grounds at noon and don't be late got it?

Ryuki: Yes sensei.

Shikamaru: Yeah. Copy that, I guess.

Asuma: So let's go pay a visit to your sister Ryuki.

Ryuki: Awesome. Guessing Ino and choji are there right?

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