Ch 52

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Bucky quickly pulled Micky back towards him and away from the body. The three stared shocked at the body. Claudia Stilinski sat up and took off the blue paper. She was barefoot and wore a hospital gown, her eyes were completely black and she had a siniester smile

"Micky" she called in a sickly sweet voice "You came to see me after all"

"It's not real, Mik" Scott reminded her

"Oh, my dear daughter, how I have missed you" Claudia said and got closer to Micky

Bucky pulled Micky behind him, protecting her from Claudia, but she slapped him away with so much force that he hit the far wall. Claudia continued advanding towards Micky but Scott came to fight Claudia off. Claudia took him by the front of his shirt and threw him towards the same direction as Bucky. The guys stood quickly and tried to run back towards Micky, but they were getting nowhere, it was like the floor kept stretching. Micky was frozen, staring at her mom with wide eyes

"Micky, run!" Bucky yelled as he and Scott kept running without advancing

"She's not listening to us. Her fear is controlling her" Scott said as they stopped to catch their breath. Claudia slapped Micky making her fall to the ground. Micky looked up still in fear before crawling to the wall and bringing her knees to her chest while grabbing her hair in tight fists

"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real" she kept repeating herself

"Not real? Oh, but I'm right here" Claudia brough her foot back and kicked Micky on the side. Micky fell to her side and Claudia laughed maniatically. On a quick glance, Micky noticed a peek in her wrist, the 'Z'. Zagan, she reminded herself. She built corage inside her and stood up

"You are not my mom" Micky said, Claudia's smile faltered "My mom was nice! And kind! And caring! She loved me and my brother! She loved my dad! She would have NEVER hurt us!" With each phrase, Micky took a step closer towards Claudia and Claudia backed away "You are a sick version of her. Just someone else in her body. You are not the mother that I want to remember" she took one step more "You are not real" Claudia gasped before exploding into white dust. Micky brought up her arms to protect her eyes. Suddenly a low chuckle was heard. The dust turned black and in front of her appreared the human version of Zagan

"Impressive" he said with a smirk "you are more powerful than I thought"

Bucky and Scott were looking at the scene unfold, not being able to help in any way

"That must be Zagan, Micky doesn't know some like that, he's not a memory" Scott explained

"Do you think I could shoot him?" Bucky asked with a set jaw

"I doubt you even have bullets" Bucky tried eitherway. He took out a gun from his belt and aimed at Zagan, he fired and the bullet flew all the way to Zagan, but it didn't damage him. Zagan merely rose his palm and stopped the bullet, he then smirked before Bucky was suddenly being pulled toward him with great velocity. Zagan caught Bucky by the throat and started strangling him

"Stop! Leave him alone!" Micky yelled

"So this is the man who has your heart" Zagan said with a cocky smirk "You have something for bad boys, huh?" Bucky tried prying the hands out of his neck bit couldn't

"Leave him out of this! This is between you and me!" Micky said

"If he dies here, he dies in reality" Zagan said "One obstacle less to get to you" he tightened his grip and Bucky started choking

"No!" Micky yelled bringing her hands forward sending Zagan flying away dropping Bucky to the ground. Bucky took deep breaths and coughed as Micky rushed to him. She looked back at Scott and used her mind to bring Scott right next to them. Scott was surprised but quickly focused on helping Bucky too

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