Ch 7

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Days passed and Monday came. Bucky hadn't had nightmares bad enough to scream in his sleep, but he did wake up once or twice in the middle of the night. The night before monday morning, he woke up and didn't feel like staying in his room. He walked out and paced behind the couch before going to Mikeyla's door. He didn't wake her up, she looked too peaceful and he knew she had school in the morning. Instead, he watched her sleeping face. She usually looked young but sleeping she looked even younger. He thought about everything she had done for him in the few days they have met, she actually cared for him, not as the Winter Soldier like Hydra, and not as Bucky Barnes from the 40's like Captain America. She cared for him with the mix of both, not wanting him to be someone else. He appreciated it a lot, not feeling the pressure of having to be someone he isn't. She cared for him unconditionally. After some time of watching her sleep, he felt more relaxed and went back to bed. In the morning he woke up to an empty apartment, he panicked slightly until he realized it was already 11am and Mikeyla had to leave. He walked to the kitchen and found a note stuck in the fridge with a magnet

Good morning,
Saw you sleeping and didn't want to wake you. There are pancakes in the microwave and coffee ready in the coffee machine. Feel free to eat anything. I'll be back before 3
~Mik S.

A warm feeling spread through his body. She had cooked and left breakfast for him. His thought were interrupted when he felt a small push in his left arm. He frowned and looked down to see the magnet stuck on his arm. He pulled it away with his other hand. Stupid magnet

Mikeyla had a free hour in school. She usually spent it doing homework or reading, but not that monday. She was printing the book her brother had sent her. The book that was apparently very dangerous

"Hey, KayKay" a male voiced called her. She turned to see her friend Jason

"Hey, Jay. What's up?" She greeted with a smile

Jay was one of Mikeyla's favorite people in the world, one of her first friends in New York. He had dirty blonde hair, pale skin, green eyes and was at least a head taller that her. Mikeyla liked him because he was always honest and his smile was contagious. Sometimes they would go out with his boyfriend and they tried to set her up in dates, but nothing really worked.

"I hate Spanish. It's impossible!" He complained

"Yeah? Try Russian" Mikeyla replied with a smirk

In political sciences, everyone had to choose between Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Russian or Italian as a language to specialize on. Most people chose Spanish, French or German. Mikeyla already knew Spanish and German and was one of the only 6 people to choose Russian

"Yeah, but you already know Spanish. Help me out here" he said

"Yeah, I guess I can talk to you in Spanish from now on"

"Actually, I was thinking about doing my homework for me"

"Nu-uh. That's your job, not mine" she said. Finally the book finished printing

"What's that?" Jay asked

"A book my brother sent me to read?" She answered taking the pages in her hands

"What is it about?"

"Not sure. Something criminalistic I guess" Mikeyla shrugged

"Cool. Can I read it after you?" Mikeyla knew no one else could read the book. She had to think of something

"Ok, I lied, it's a porn book" she lied. Jay's face contorned in disgust

"Oh, damn, alright, don't tell me about it" he said covering his ears. Mikeyla laughed and started walking away

"I'll see you around"

"You're a disgusting person!" He yelled after her making her laugh again

Through her classes, Mikeyla started doing some research while the professors didn't notice. She was looking for the author of the book but could find nothing about it, not even in the deep web. She sighed giving up before thinking about something else she should research. She instantly typed "Winter Soldier". She read horrible thing about him, but she didn't care about anyone's opinion, she wanted information on what was done to him, she needed to know so she could help. She had to get into the deep web to get hidden encrypted info, and left the de-encryption running while she returned her attention to the class.

Meanwhile Bucky decided to watch TV to try and know what was new in the world. He changed the channels in news, documentaries, cartoons, music videos, and finally was enchanted by a movie about a robot from the future. He watched it and then glanced down at his arm. I am like a robot. he thought to himself. What am I consireded, anyway? he wondered.

The encryption in Mikeyla's laptop had ended and she found a file about the winter soldier. For her absolute bad luck, everything was in Russian, for her good luck she understood some things and other notes were in German, which she understood completely. She decided to start with the first file she found:

Военное управление по Днепропетровской области (Military Administration in Dnipropetrovsk region)

высший секрет (Top secret)

дело No. 17 (Case 17)

том 20 (volume 20)

тема - винтер солдат (Subject - Winter Soldier)

Ранее известный как Джеймс Бьюкенен Barnes 107 (Formerly known as James Buchanan Barnes 107)

Mikeyla kept reading and tried to understand as much as possible. Apparently the file was from March 23 of 1945. She couldn't understand everything, but she could watch the drawings of his metal arm and some medical diagnosis from the parts of the body. She also saw pictures of him and diagrams of a machine used to electro-shock him erasing his memories. She then found the experiments made of the whole 107th unit in 1943, thankfully those were in german so she understood more. However, she didn't understand what it meant, there were a lot of chemical techniscisms, she did recognize a name Dr. Abraham Erskine, he had created the super soldier serum used in Captain America, but before that, he was forced to help Johann Schmidt and used it in him. Zola was replicating the formula, they experimented on the soldiers and many died, but Bucky didn't, he was the last subject and the one where Zola had had the most progress before their base blew up. She wondered why they didn't try to check on Bucky's and the other soldiers' blood once they were rescued.

She noticed movement around her and realized everyone was leaving, the class had finished and she didn't hear the homework

"Hey, Marie" she called to a classmate "What was the homework?"

"Read the next chapter" her classmate answered

"Thank you" Mikeyla said with a smile and started putting away her things, making sure to not erase any of the files she was downloading

Bucky had been through a lot, more than anyone should, and it was all because of Hydra. She now understood why he didn't talk that much and was always defensive, they forced him to be like that. She then had an idea and smirked to herself. Well, guess who's going to ruin all their work to make a cold heartless soldier? Oh yeah, that's right, me. They didn't count on Mikeyla Stilinski getting on their way.

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