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The relationship between Bucky and Mickeyla was not really that different, only now they would flirt now and then. Bucky was still not touchy because he was scared of hurting her, Melanie was her normal self too, they both knew they liked each other but there was no reason to act any different. It had been a week and it was a day before Halloween, Melanie and Bucky were in the couch watching a scary movie. Bucky had his head on Micky's lap and she was playing with his hair. Suddenly someone knocked on the door

"Mickeyla! You better open this door right now!" A male voice sounded. Bucky sat up with a frown of confussion

"The hell?" Mickeyla whispered and stood up to open the door. Jason let himself inside the apartment "Jason? What are you doing here?"

"You totally ditched me" Jason said. Realization hit Mickeyla and she groaned

"I completely forgot" she said groaning in frustration

"Yeah, I noticed" Jason said

"I'm so sorry Jay" she said

"Mickeyla?" Bucky called walking towards her from the couch "is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine" Micky called back

"You have a guy here? Really? Is that why you ditched me?" Jay asked. For Bucky, it sounded like an ex boyfriend of Micky's and he was getting angrier the more they talked

"No, Jay. It's not that. I forgot, why didn't you call me?" Micky said

"I broke my phone, remember?" Jay said

"Right" Micky said "I'll make it up to you"

"The party is tomorrow, where will we find a good enough costume?" Jay asked

"I know places" Micky said

"Oh no. The only way to make it up is to come to the party" Jay said

"I don't want to go to some stupid Halloween college party. It's full of idiots and sluts" Micky said

"Hey, I am going" Jay sais

"Yes, but you're going with Michael" Micky argued

"So? You can take your new guy" Jay said gesturing to Bucky "Who is he, by the way?"

"Bucky, this is one of my best friends from school, Jason. Jay, this is my new roomate and close friend, Bucky" she introduced them "I forgot I was going to help Jay look for a good costume for tomorrow's Halloween party" Micky explained

"Yeah. Now your punishment is to come to the party too" Jay said earning a glare from Micky

"Why don't you help him now? We're not really doing anything important" Bucky suggested

"Yeah, let's go now. All of us" Jay said and started pushing them both to the door

"But- Jay, wait" Micky argued

Before they knew it. They were in the mall. Jay had linked arms with Micky while Bucky walked on Micky's other side. Bucky couldn't help but not like how close Jay was to Micky, and Micky didn't do anything about it

"Oh, look at that! A Thor costume!" Jay said and rushed to try it on. Micky only shook her head. However, she did notice Bucky's stotic face

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Are you than touchy with all your friends?" Bucky asked

"What, Jay? Are you jelous, Bucky?" She asked raising her eyebrows in surprise

"I just- no, of course not" Bucky said looking away "After the other day, I just... I though we were... you know"

"A couple?" Micky finished for him

"It's stupid I know" Bucky said

Micky chuckled and moved to stand in front of Bucky. Cuping his face with her hands she stood on her toes and planted a firm kiss in his lips

"It's not stupid, Buck. I though we were a couple too" Micky said with a smile "And about Jay, he's gay" Bucky's eyes widened in surprise

"You mean, he likes men?" Bucky asked

"Yep. He actually has a boyfriend, they've been dating for almost 6 months" Micky explained

"So... there's nothing between you two?" He confirmed

"He's a great friend. Nothing more, nothing less" Micky confirmed before looking down shyly "I only like you like that, Bucky"

Bucky smiled at her shyness. He lifted up her chin and leaned to kiss her, Micky smiled under the kiss and stood in her toes to reach him better

"He's my roomate, Jay. He's just a friend, Jay" Jason moked making them pull away "I call bullshit"

"Language" Micky said "I like your costume. You can turn your boyfriend into a vampire too" she winked making Jay blush

"Yeah, I think I'm getting it" Jay said "And I found one for you"

Jay handed Micky a package that showed a lady dressed as a bunny. Pink leotard, net stockins, ears and a small cotton ball for the butt. Bucky's eyes widened in surprise, he couldn't believe women showed to much skin

"I'm not being a sluty bunny, Jay" Mickeyla said with a disgusted face

"You need a costume" Jay insisted

"Yeah, but I don't wanna look like a slut"

"I'm sure Bucky would like it in you" Jay smirked and Bucky blushed

"I-I, um, no, um, absolutely not" Bucky said "At least not in public" he muttered to himself, but Micky still heard him and blushed

"Why don't you two go in matching costumes?" Jay suggested

"Like what?" Micky asked

"Like... Joker and Harley Quinn?"

"I like it but I don't like their relationship. He's abusive" Micky said

"Robin and Batgirl? You love comics" Jay said

"I do, but I don't want to make Bucky wear tights" Micky said

"Yeah, let's not make me wear tights" Bucky agreed

"Why not? You'd look hot" Jay smirked. Bucky was shocked that a man was flirting with him, he didn't know how to react to that, thank god he didn't have to, Micky was quick to defend him

"Back off, Jay. You have a boyfriend" Mik said

"I'm kidding" Jay said with a chuckle. Relief washed over Bucky

"How about Nightwing and Starfire? He has the long hair and all" Jay said. Micky furrowed her eyebrows looking at Bucky who looked back at her curiously

"Yeah, it could work" Micky muttered

"And you can dye your hair with the sprays that wash off with water" Jay said

"Sounds interesting..." Micky thought "Yeah let's go with that"

"Great. I saw the costumes around here" Jay said walking into the store

"How is my costume going to be?" Bucky asked

"Trust me. You'll like it" Micky said

"I will have to trust you with that. I have no idea who these characters are" he said making Micky chuckled

"Only geeks know. Jay only knows them because of me. I am a really weird kind of girl" Micky said

"It's ok. I like weird" Bucky smiled

"Awww" Micky smiled and stood quickly on her toes to kiss Bucky's cheek making him smile wide "Smooth, Barnes. Real smooth"

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