VIII - Bitter Reunion

Start from the beginning

No... "You-... You killed Rin?!"

Kakashi's breath hitched. There, the words he hated the most. He couldn't deny it, though, it's the truth.

"... She ran between me and the enemy, her heart was pierced by my Chidori."

Obito snapped. His Sharingan was instantly activated, as he grabbed Kakashi's collar.

"You promised, Kakashi. YOU F*CKING PROMISED ME YOU WOULD PROTECT HER!!" He yelled, "When I died, I gave up my love for her. She loved you, and so I trusted you to take care of her. I gave you my eye so that you could protect her!!"

"Obito, I'm really sorry-..."

"I don't want to hear that! You might have gone through hell watching them all died, but do you know what's the worst feeling humans feel? Not sadness, it's guilt." He hissed, "Had I know this would happen, I would have killed myself sooner, so that I could return to this world before she died in your hands."

"You... killed yourself...? W-Why..?"

"Didn't I tell you?!" Obito snapped, as he released his teammate, pushing him away, "Guilt. Watching Kaeru suffer that much, executed in front of me, I couldn't live with those memories. Do you know what I was thinking the whole time?" He asked, "When Kaeru died, he died believing that no one loves him. His only friends were Anko and me, and none of us could help him."

"When he first come back here, did he trust you? Did he think you loved him? No, do you love him?! You hated him, I remember as much, Kakashi. You were an arrogant, selfish jerk. Maybe you still are, Hatake."

"I know." The silverette admitted, "I know, but-..."

"What about Kushina-san and Sensei's son?"

"Naruto? I... I don't know."

"Is this some kind of joke?!"

"I don't know him! I was still at shock about Sensei's death, too!"

"You are a shinobi. He's just a kid. That's not a reason, Kakashi."

At this, the Hatake narrowed his eyes, slowly getting annoyed. "Stop blaming things on me, Obito."

"I'm not blaming you. What I mean, is that you could have prevented it, even if it's not your fault. You could have make the situation a little better."

"Oh, so it's partially my fault that the reality is this horrible now?"

"You said it yourself. If only you threw away that pride of yours, maybe they would have been alive." Obito stated, turning away from his best friend, "I believed in you. I envied you. I respect you, as a shinobi. I thought of your father as a hero, and I thought you would be the same."

"Don't mention my father, Obito." Kakashi growled, "And just to remind you. At least I'm here, in this world. Unlike you. When all of those happened, you didn't even exist in this world, living peacefully with Kaeru in that Earth. You and Kaeru didn't even know what happened to Rin, to Sensei and his wife."

Before Obito could retort back, Kakashi continued, "Look at you, Obito. Yes, I watched so many people die here, but what about you? You only have to watch over Kaeru. What happened then? He lost his freaking mind, becoming a killer. He was tortured and locked up, and even executed. He-..."

"It's not Obito's fault!" A voice yelled, cutting Kakashi off. The two shinobis' eyes widened, recognizing the voice. They turned, to see Kaeru standing in the doorway, gripping the edge tight, tears threatened to fall from his eyes, "Kaeru is a bad boy, that's Kaeru's own fault! Obito did nothing! You should blame Kaeru!"

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