7:Fruity Pebbles,Vampires, and a Smooth Get-A-Way

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Layla POV:

Okay so this wasn't one of are best plans ever. Hell it was probably one of are worst. Ava sat next to Adam in the front while me and Jay had the back. I was starting to become stronger actually. Well i was still a little skittish but put me in a bad mood and i will whip your fish tail!

Yes, fish tail. Get used to it.

"Hey hey Adam guess what." I said giggling. I was kinda hopped up on some loopy pills. Because i had fruity pebbles. They mess me up like big time. I swear its a mystery what they put in those things!

"What." He whisperd back.

"Look at the pale guy outside the window." I pointed to the tall pale scary dude who was chasing are jeep

"What the crap Layla!" Ava screamed at me cocking her gun and shooting the vampire. Some of his blood got on the windows.  I started to burst into laughed my head falling to Jay's lap while he just shook his head.

"What did you give her?!" Ava yelled at Jay. I smiled at the floor dreamy like.

"Nothing just some fruity pebbles!" He yelled back at her.

"I think we shouldn't give her anything that has fruity in it. If you agree say I." Adam said.

"I." Adam,Jay, and Ava said all at the same time.

"Does this mean i cant get my candy unicorn horn?" I said sitting up instantly.

"You will still get your candy unicorn horn." Jay reassured me. I smiled.

"Here you go." Ava said handing me the candy unicorn horn.

"Yay!" I exclaimed all she did was laugh. They have been keeping this for two days now taunting me with it.

I took it out the boxed and licked the horn.

"It turns out magic taste like strawberries!" My eyes got wide as i stared at the long pink horn.

"Its so yummy." My voice came out a little creepy and i got stares from everyone in the car, except for Adam only because he is driving.

After hours of driving i was slowly starting to wire down and come back to reality.

"Jay" I mumbles turning over so i was facing up at him.

"Yeah?" He said you could tell he was tired because his voice and was low and dream like.

"Your lap is so comfy." I said taking his hand and are fingers intertwining. He only smiled and looked down at me with those  pretty eyes of his.

"Jay? Did i ever tell you that i love you?" I whispered. He smiled wider.

"No actually you haven't." He said whispering back.

"Well i do." I gave him a small smile.

"Okay love birds can you please cut it out? If y'all wont to get it on you guys are going to have to find a hotel that is safe." Ava said ruining our moment. I groaned and turned my head to where i was staring at Jay's stomach.

I looked up to see Jay sleeping. I couldnt help but smile. His hair had gotten longer to where it covered his eyes a little. It was cute. I put my finger to my mouth and licked my lips. All the bad things i could do to him.

What the igloo?! Where did that thought come from? Layla, you really have to get yourself under control. My ignorent voice told me. I groaned knowing it was right. I covered my eyes with my hands trying to figure out what to do.

"Hey im hungry do we have any food?" I asked my stomach grumbling on cue.

"Yeah, here are some doritos." Ava handed me a bag of nacho cheese doritos. I opened the bag and grabbed a chip biting into it.

"Hey! Jayster do you want some doritos?" I waved the bag in his face causing him to wake up.

"Yeah sure." He grabbed a chip and shoved it into his bag. I got up to where i was sitting next to him.

"You want some Avia and Adium?" I asked. Thy just shook there head and laughed knowing the new nickname i gave them.

"Hey ass nine! You want some coke with those chips?" Ava said laughing at me. I smiled shaking my head no.

"Guy what is that?" I froze staring at what Adam had said. And it was not a pretty picture.

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