2:The Survivors

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Ava’s POV

                My name; let’s see, well its Ava that girl in the corner, carful now, I bite. Well I went to a school called Penitent High School and I’m a senior; I made good grades to keep my parents off my back. I surprisingly come from a rich family but they don’t care what I do as long as I go to college. I mostly take all my stress out on the weight room ever since I was 11 so I’m pretty tough.

I woke up this morning to my “lovely” mother and father screaming, I threw on a dark baggy T-shirt and jeans, shoved my IPhone in my pocket and brushed my long brown hair, put on a little bit of makeup. I stood at the top of the stair case and watched as a dude caught my mom and put his mouth to her neck. I calmly turned back to my room and from under my bed got my small but effective pistol and walked back to the top of the stairs.

“Hey Dracula,” He turned to me with hunger in his eyes “no one drinks my mom’s blood without permission!” I yelled at him and held up the gun and started shooting.

Dracula’s body looked like a rag doll from the impact of the gun shots, he hit the floor as I ran down the stairs looking at my mom; she looked, different

 “Sorry mom.” I whispered in her ear I pointed the gun to her head and pulled the trigger and regretted it the second I did it. The rest of her blood came out of her body but you read the books! Get bitten by a Vampire become a Vampire so I had to…

I ran up the stairs packing my book bag putting in cans of food, an extra pistol, LOADS of ammo, a pack of cloths, things of some hair spray, and a lighter and zipped it up and went to my closet threw on my many pocket jacket and put a pack of matches in one, a Monster in another, zippy caffeine gum, a ten inch dagger, and some Red Bull (you gatta stay awake sometimes or your ganna die).

By the time I was out the door I saw that all hell had already broke loose, I walked down the side walk learning that hell had moved on to the other parts of town, but occasionally I had to hide from zombies, gosh they’re stupid, one of them tried to infect a duck and killed it before he could infect it.

 It was getting dark so I found a bomb shelter well, fell on a bomb shelter it was concealed among blades of tall grass. I looked around and saw a pack of Zombies roaming the streets but not paying any kind of attention to me. I looked back at the shelter and realized it was made of steel so I had to pick the lock, one of my many specialties.

Once it was open I found out that it was dark down there I lit a match and looked around. There was a light switch witch I thought was funny, I flipped on the lights and saw a guy passed out on the floor I took a step forward but realized we were still vulnerable to an attack. I grabbed the lock and locked it from the inside this time then checked the guy out.

I looked for any scars but he was perfectly fine except for a large red bump on his forehead, he was a little taller than me and I estimated he was around my age; he had light brown hair that was swept to one side of his face he was muscley…I guess.

I walked around looking at the rest of the underground place, there was a bed room a bathroom with a working shower (who knows how the pluming works) a wooden stove that removed the smoke and put it someplace else, a small freezer, and a sink.

I heated up some ravioli while I took a quick shower and saved a portion of the ravioli for the guy. I looked at him and realized that it probably hurt to be in a weird position on the floor like that when he apparently fell; I sat down beside him and saw he was still out cold. I dragged him into the bed room where he remained for the rest of the night. Where did I sleep?

On the couch in front of the radio and satellite T.V with a silk blanket covering me, the embers of the wood in the wooden stove glowed red, and the lights were turned down low.

Adam’s POV

I woke up not knowing where I was for a couple of seconds but remembered about the attacks and how I jumped in this bomb shelter that was pretty nice place.

I scratched my head and got up from the bed….wait how did I get there? I heard something in the kitchen, I eyes widened, crap! I searched around and found a piece of wood hoping to knock out anything that was out there. I crept out of the room and peered around the corner, it was a girl, but she could be one of those monsters!

I tip toed about five feet away when she spoke

 “So our ganna whack me with a two by four, that won’t get you anywhere boy.” I was dumbfounded

 “How did you-” I started to say but she turned around and walk right up to me “The two by four gave you away.”

 “Oh….” I said with my face reddening. She was a pretty girl, long dark brown hair covering half of her face; she had jeans and a navy blue baggy jacket on. Her eyes were almost impossible to describe they were emerald green and just dang pretty…I guess.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and asked the question anyone would ask if they found a stray girl in their kitchen;

 “How did you get here?”

“Well I grabbed a couple of things from my house shot a vampire laughed at zombies then found this place.” I smiled curious to know what the Zombies did we had a conversation.

“So what is your name?” I asked devouring my ravioli.

“Ava and yours?”



“Yep.” There was an uncomfortable silence.

“So, Ava what happened to your parents?”

“Vampire, I shot it didn’t really like my parents; they didn’t care what I did as long as I got a college scholarship.”


“What about yours Adam?” I looked around and sighed.

“Well my dad left me and my mom when I was born and Mom’s always dumping me anywhere that will take me.”

“Oh.” More silence filled the room.

“Well better start packing up.” Ava said pulling out everything she had and started to set things on a little shelf and put red bull in the freezer. She walked over to me and gave me a pistol some matches and a pack of ammo for the pistol.

 “We’re ganna go hunting for survivors!” Ava yelled with enthusiasm.     

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