Cop sirens flash in the distance, definitely nearing, so I peer up from their unconscious bodies.

   Clap. Clap. Clap.

   "Bravo." A familiar voice shatters the silence and whirls me around. The man in black stands before me, the hoodie still protecting his face from sight. "You passed the test. Come with me, and I'll take you to the secret society."

The cop sirens blare now, nearly outside of the cafe.

I stare at the mystery man. "Okay. Let's go then."

In the bright cafe lights, I watch as the shadow diminishes and the man lets the hood fall off the back of his head, revealing the man underneath.

Mysterious hazel eyes, a charming, sly smile, and black, perfect hair meet my vision.

Wow, he's the guy that was at the hotel!

"Follow me." He tells me with his deep voice, smooth voice, and stretches his hand out to me.

I take it--after stepping around the bodies, of course--and then let him lead me to the back of the cafe, where a staircase awaits us.


"The roof? This is your escape plan?!" I ask in disbelief as the man closes the roof's door.

   He just nods and walks towards the edge of the building. I follow, wondering how on earth we are going to escape the swarms of cops that are probably on their way if we have no where to go.

    The man stops at the edge of the roof and peers down at the traffic. Police lights flash fast on top of cop cars as they make their way over to the cafe. They travel in a pathway that the traffic had to make for them, but are down the street, still a little ways away.

    I wait patiently for the man to say something, to tell me a plan, but he just stares down at the bystanders that are running away and listening to the blasting sirens.

    What is he doing?

   "What are we going to do?" I query to him aloud, watching as he lifts his right arm to his mouth and whispers something to it.

I blink, but then realize that he wears a black, expensive-looking watch. Almost immediately after he rests his arm at his side, a loud thud thud thud booms in my ears.

My orange hair whips in my face, and then flies behind me, going in random circles. The wind goes wild, stinging my skin, as the thuds scream louder in my ears. I glance up, and realize that there is a helicopter only yards above us, and from it hangs a rope ladder in reach.


   The man surprises me as he wraps his arms around my waist. I glare at him, only to look at the smug smile on his lips that is so boastful. He pulls my body against his, reaches up, and then grabs the rope ladder.

    Our bodies lift off the roof, floating gracefully in the air above the city. The pilot of the helicopter drives us up into the sky slowly, making sure we don't fall off in the process.

   "You like the view?" The man asks me in a sweet tone. "I'm amazed every time."

   "Oh, so you do this every time you pick up new recruits?" I laugh nervously as I gaze out over the beautiful city. The cop lights disappear behind the tall building, bystanders becoming smaller and smaller.

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