Ch.4 The rumors

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Russia's POV

(C/N)'s face slowly got closer to mine,and I'm going crazy.I wan to kiss her though,but she won't remember.

I have to do this.

Belarus don't murder her or me!

I leaned forward fast to kiss her on the lips,but when I tried to pull away she put her arms around me,keeping me there.

She pulled away and fell asleep on my lap again.Im not even going to bother to move this time.

Japan was passed out on the ground in a pool of blood still.

Ugh I'm so tired I'm just going to fall asleep here.

The next day~

I woke up to see (Y/N) making breakfast for the three of us.

Japan was up already,getting ready for the meeting today.We ate in silence that day,and walked out the door.(Y/N) seems to forgotten what happened.

She was as quiet and serious as normal.
*sigh*I wonder why sunflower is like that?

Your POV

When we walked into the meeting room,I heard some things.People were looking at me and Russia weird like we did something.

Japan pulled me aside and he asked me something strange.

"(Y/N) do you remember anything from yesterday?"

"I drank with Russia and fell asleep.Thats all."

"Well look at this."

He pulled out a picture and handed it to me.It looked like I was sleeping in Russia's lap as he was sleeping as well.Japan was on the floor passed out.It looked like a side view.

"Who took the pic?"

"I'm sorry I don't know."

I could hear giggling behind me from a certain French person.

I turned quickly to throw three knifes and I heard him shriek.I marched toward him on the ground trying to run so I stepped on his foot.

"Did you take the picture?"

"It's espionage."He said winking.

"Espionage?Against me?Nice try."

I pointed another knife at his neck getting closer to him.

"Tell me the real reason."

"Ok fine!Rumors have been going around mon chéri!"


"Yes so please tell me!Are you and Russia together?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

I lifted the knife away from his throat and walked away.


All of them.Whoever believes in such trivial opinions.Nobody talked about us behind our backs anymore.

As the meeting got underway I had to ask Germany about the espionage.

"Germany a moment please."

"Ja what's the matter?"

"France was trying to get pics of me.He said it was espionage.Should I attack back?"

"Nein bad idea.Lay low,you just came out of isolation (C/N)."

"Ok thank you."

"No problem."

I walked away from Germany and left the room.The meeting was getting no where so why stay.

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