Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A blinding light crept it's way into Nagisa's room, causing him to groan.

Another day to live.

Another day to work.

Another day to argue.

Another day to assassinate.

The blunette sighed as he snuggled into the fluffy pillow and soft bed sheets his bed provided, breathing in his own scent.

Unfortunatly, the sun objected to his plans of staying in for another 5 minutes or so and began to shine right in his face. On top of that, Nagisa heard his mother's heels clacking in the kitchen. He sat up lazily, checking his clock with drowsy eyes.

After regaining some energy, Nagisa froze. The time read 6:30. With a yelp of surprise, he quickly grabbed his blue towel and some boxers, making a bee-line to the bathroom connected to his room.

The blunette had a strict rule he had to follow in the morning.

Be on time to breakfast, or you get none.

He had to be by the dining table by 6:50 sharp, if not, no breakfast and a punishment from his mother. School started around 8 am, but his mom always claimed that it was better to be very early so he could become a "role model student." It made him laugh sometimes.

Nagisa was the lowest of the low. He attended class 3-E, the worst class in a very prestige school. The class held delinquents and the low graded. If you were sentenced to class 3-E, your reputation and life would be over. There was no way to recover from such a low rank.

Nagisa wasn't a delinquent, he just wasn't the smartest. His mind was usually elsewhere, and he had many other things to worry about.

The blunette rushed out of the shower, pulling on the school dress attire. He quickly brushed his teeth and grabbed his school bag and rushed to stand straight and tall at the dining table. He stood for maybe about a second, before scanning his eyes to a clock. 6:49. He just barely made it.

"Oh, good morning, Nagisa!" said his mother in a cheery tone. Nagisa forced a smile and said a small, "good morning." His mother was busy making breakfast, too focused in what she was making to look up.

His mom happened to be one of his biggest problems. She was very strict, and would punish Nagisa everyday. She would always find something to bug him with, and if she wasn't his mother, he would have already snapped.

The blunette is an assassin-in-training. Even though the 3-E class is bullied and rumored horrific, the lessons and teachers weren't. Yet.

Class 3-E was different than any other class. They are assassins kept secret by the government. They're goal is to kill they're teacher, Koro-Sensei, a yellow, alien-looking creature. He blew up almost all of the moon, and threatened to blow up earth as well. He made an agreement with the government soon after, saying that he will hold back the end of the world if he gets to teach one class. If one of the students can kill him, they're saved. But, if the school year comes to an end, they're all as good as dead.

His mother slowly turned around and her smile soon turned into a frown. "Nagisa, what are you wearing?"

He looked down at his clothing before cringing. He forgot.

His mother always wanted him to be a girl. When he was born, she was quite disappointed to see her only child was not a girl but in fact a boy. To make up for it, she made him grow out his hair and wear girl clothing.

When Nagisa first entered class 3-E, he started to put up his hair into two small ponytails that scrunched at the top. His mother was disappointed at the hair change, but didn't punish him. As long as his hair remained long she would let it pass. But that wasn't the same about his clothing.

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