Percy is scarred

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Percy simply stared at the wall, riptide in hand as he cut a new scar. Only a week before, his arms were tan and scarless. Now it had 116 scars, one new one added every hour. It had started at his wrist but now up his shoulder. He heard pounding on the door and sighed. That would be the last scar.

Outside, everyone besides Annabeth and her new boyfriend, Mack, was worried. Poseidon had decided to teleport in, and had not come out yet.

Percy had not seen his father until the god grabbed the boy and snatched away riptide. He teleported them out of there.

"Apolo!" he called as Percy struggled. "Hold him down," the god of medicine said. He healed all of the wounds, save swollen and yellow, infected. Poseidon put Percy in a water bubble where the boy will be frozen in time. Poseidon then teleported away, glaring at Annabeth and Mack.

On Olympus, Poseidon called a meeting. The gods and goddesses flashed in. "Brother, why have you called this meeting?" though Zeus knew, he did not say anything. Poseidon then lowered his son to the ground. "He has been trying to kill himself." Aphrodite nodded and snapped her fingers. Percy was wearing a tee-shirt and some shorts. The shirt said 'water boy' and the shorts had fish on it. "I can keep him frozen in time until we need his help or Annabeth dies. His mom has been murdered as well as his stepdad. I explained to the police that I was taking care of him, I've got another idea idea." Poseidon said."Well spit it out." Zeus growled. "We could unage him to a young child, turn him immortal, and give him a second chance of life." all of the gods nodded at that idea.

The gods turned Percy into a five year old. Poseidon then popped the bubble around the young form of Percy and grabbed him before he fell. Summoning him a bed and lying him down, he smiled.

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