the truly fatal flaw

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The young boy looked at his chest. He had dark lines running from where his heart was. He didn't bother the Apolo children because they would just turn away.

Percy threw on his shirt, but it was hardly fitting at how skinny he was.

Percy headed to the dining pavilion and grabbed a plate, shoving food into the fire. For all of the gods. He thought as he put his plate in the dirty utensils area and left.

The only person who didn't decide to betray him was Annabeth. But, alas, even she was drifting. He had gone through some quests from Athena to marry her daughter. He had finished early and was heading to the beach, as he would meet her there to propose. When he got there, he saw her. But with a son of Zeus, Peter. He then fell and withered in pain. He screamed so loud Apolo heard and flashed over. Apolo already knew about the marking and pulled the shirt up. A crowd had soon gathered and gasped at the sight. Percy was now crying, as it had hurt like a quadrillion nettles. Apolo flashed away with percy in his arms, shaking his head at the campers. Chiron had no idea about the betrayal and was crying. He then said, "you are not aloud capture the flag this week as of what you did to the hero of Olympus." he trotted away.

At Olympus

Apolo called a meeting and set percy down on a cot. As the gods arrived, they saw percy and gasped. Poseidon began crying. Apolo looked at the Olympians and said, "He has been betrayed too much. If he has no reason to live, he will die." Athena looked at him, "My daughter would never betray him." Apolo looked at her sadly and shook his head, "well she has." Artemis looked sadly at the boy. She then said, "As long as he wont flirt with my hunters, he can be my guardian." she knew he was awake as he had nodded. He asked for a paper and a pencil in a whisper only gods could hear. He then wrote in Greek stating, 'I swear on the river stynx and Chaos himself that I will protect Artemis and the hunters until I fade.' the gods looked at him quizingly, then shocked, all while worried. There was a loud bang as Chaos came in. "Ah, Percy nice to see you again." Percy smiled. Chaos blasted him and the lines shrunk to a small amount. "You should have called me!" Percy rasped in a louder voice, "I did not know if you were busy or not." Zeus then looked at percy quizzingly as he waited for Percy to explain. "He saved me from a tree i was stapled to and healed me best he could, also giving me the blessing of everything, so I can now do everything except kill him." the gods then looked at percy and saw a scar on his arm.
Murderer. Apolo mouthed. "Its true," Percy said quietly. Then Poseidon yelled," IT IS NOT TRUE." then the other gods nodded before Zeus ended his meeting and the other gods and goddesses besides Artemis left. "Meet me at central park." before flashing out

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