Chapter 6~Jack

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Hey I hope you guys are liking it!! Let me know if I should continue writing this.

I really like writing it, but if no ones reading what's the point?


"Right, so what's your name then?" Ianto asks

"Kelly Ryan, wait aliens!?!?" She asks looking scared

"Yeah, aliens," I answer. " I know it may be hard to believe, but their out there and the reason you don't see them that much is because of us."

"Oh wow. Okay. Um, what..."

"Hey, it's our turn." I cut her off before she gets a chance to answer. She blinks then nods I'm guessing she mean to continue. " What were you doing in the forest after dark, alone? And more importantly where did you learn to fight like that?" She knocked out the Weevle almost immediately and knew how to attack it. This couldn't be a coincidence.

"Oh, well I was just taking a walk when that thing attacked me. What was that anyway?"

"A Weevle." Ianto answers

"Oh," Kelly says looking very confused. "Well, I don't know I just kicked and punch the..Weevle where it looked like it would hurt the most, you know... It's just reflex," She pauses before she says Weevle.

"Well just to let you know you knocked the Weevle out almost immediately. Most people can't even escape from one and you managed to get it unconscious."

"I guess it's just a bit of luck." She says. I see her glance around the room them at her arm. "So what's my situation?"

"We're not entirely sure." Ianto answers. "You have a pretty deep cut on your arm that may require a couple stitches. And your shoulder was dislocated, but I think we fixed that."

"Haha hopefully," Kelly says

"And you might have a minor concussion, by the looks of it. We should probably take you to a hospital." Ianto says

"Um, actually you seem like you have a pretty good medical supply here. Could I stay, Foster mother won't pay for the medical bill. She's kinda pissed off at me." Kelly says looking down at the ground playing with her fingers

"Yeah I guess you could," Ianto says. He looks over at me for approval. I nod. "We can call our medic in, but not until tomorrow."

"There's more of you? Oh good I was going to say the two of you hunting aliens. Must get hectic." She says jokingly I can tell. I see Ianto and her smile at each other.

"Ianto, can I have a word?" I nod to him, telling him to step out. We both walk out of the medical area. I glance at her and she's looking around the whole place like she's never seen a doctors office or hospital before. "Do you really believe that she just knocked the Weevle out unconscious just by luck?"

"Well I don't honestly know. I've never seen anyone react like that. But do you honestly think a teenage girl could be threatening?" Ianto asks.

"No I think she could be useful," as I walk back in and Ianto follows behind

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