That’s the cousin, Cal.” Fernando sighed and shook his head.

“Oh. Ok. Please, make yourselves comfortable.” Cal finally said, gesturing for all of them to sit. They walked inside slowly; apparently Joanna wasn’t the only one who disliked this guy.

“Please forgive me.” Fernando whispered humorously once she sat close to him. Joanna nodded at him, her gaze still fixated at Cal who sat down as well.

“So, this is the little gang. Just like old days, eh?” Cal beamed at them while they all gave him blank or irritated looks.

“We won’t stay here long, Cal. Just need a shelter until our next move.” Fernando told him.

“Of coarse, man. As long as you need.” Cal said and Joanna sensed sincerity and admiration in his tone.

“Good,” Fernando said, “Did you get what I asked for?”

Cal’s irritating smile returned as he beamed again, “Oh, yes.” He stood quickly and left the room. Two minutes and he returned back with a large shiny plastic bag.

“Here you go, Maria’s daughter.” He extended his hand toward Joanna who eyed the bag suspiciously as if it contained a very nasty creature.

“It’s alright.” Fernando muttered behind her and Joanna accepted the bag tentatively.

“What’s this?” she said as she opened the bag and looked inside. There were garment inside. Some of them had colors that she disliked very much.

Pink. Great.” Joanna muttered to her self, pulling one piece out that turned to be a cotton pair of shorts. Probably a part of some PJs.

“Nice, eh?” Cal blinked, settling back on his chair.

“Hmmm, yeah.” Joanna tried to sound grateful but it sounded anything but. “It’ll do. Thanks.”

There was a knock on the door. Cal stood up and opened it, revealing a young man behind it.

“Maria’s girl!” Cal called and Joanna tensed again, “This is Glen, he’ll take you to your room.” He told her.

Joanna looked at Fernando with questioning eyes.

“You need rest, and…. A shower.” Fernando told her, one thick brow rising.

Mark suddenly stood up. “I’ll go with you.” He told her, sensing her uncertainty. She looked up at him gratefully and stood up as well.

She turned back to look at Aldo and the others. “It’s alright, kid.” Aldo smiled at her weakly. Apparently she wasn’t the only one who was tiered.

With a last nod, she left the room with Mark and Glen who guided them to the end of the hall. There was a room there and Glen produced a key and opened it for them.

Joanna stepped inside first; the room was surprisingly larger than she thought. A single bed was on the right side, a small closet centered the wall, and another small door was on the left wall of the room.

“This is the bathroom, there’s towels in the closet and the bed sheets have been changed.” Glen explained rather quickly. “Anything else I can help you with, miss?”

“N.. no. Thanks.” Joanna said and just as quickly as he appeared, Glen left and closed the door behind him.

Joanna finally breathed out. It felt as if she had been holding it for a very long time.

“Are you ok?” Mark asked behind her and she turned to face him. He was wearing a sling around his neck that held up his left arm.

“I should ask you that.” Joanna said to him.

Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now