Dating them

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A/N this is going to be like the last one, like a blurb❤️ enjoy x

Participating in LNA
Cuddling 24/7
"But babe"
Having dance battles
Hand holding
Him using his alter-ego to cheer you up when you're sad
Him being a gentleman
Movie marathons
Cheek kisses

Working out together
Walks with Tilly and Alex
Him letting you and ONLY you play with his hair
Football games
Having lazy days watching Marvel movies with him
You getting to hear his raspy morning voice "Good morning babe"
Him singing and playing guitar for you
Matching Liverpool jerseys
Making spotify playlists together for when he's on tour

His placing his forehead in the crook of your neck
Him calling you "Darlin" or "Princess"
Couple selfies
Walking hills in Mayo with him
Him ALWAYS placing an arm around your shoulders in public
LNA with him a Dayl
Being convinced Cayl is real

Running your fingers through his brown curls
Teaching you guitar
Him having his brothers over(Aww❤️)
"Baby girl"
Wearing his t-shirts
Cuddling you in bed because he wants  to feel your touch
Promise rings because he wants to stay with you forever
Travelling together
Cute couple pictures
Dedicating half his Instagram posts to you

Matching mugs
Him loving how you and mammy Murray get on great
Taking Finn out together
Him singing for you
Late night calls and FaceTimes when he's touring
Random texts saying"I love you lots baby"
Writing songs about you
Sending you roses
Playing Gaelic with him
Him whispering sweet nothings in your ear

You stealing his hats
Tracing his tattoos
Disney movie marathons would be great
Loving how close you are with Peter
Going to matches together
Forehead kisses because he's taller than you
Slow dancing
"I don't know what I'd do without you"
Singing down the phone to you
Those tight hugs

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