The type of girl they'd go for

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This is a blurb kinda preference on the type of girl they'd go for❤️ enjoy x

Dayl: I feel Dayl would go for a girl who was as serious at music as him. Like she'd be small, and maybe sing/play an instrument. I feel that she would be weird with Dayl but she'd be the sensible one in the relationship. She would definitely be sassy omg. She'd give cheek to Dayl and Dayl would give back just as much. I feel Dayl would go for someone 1-2 years younger than him.

Josh: I'm leaning towards a girl who plays a sport. Maybe football? She'd definitely be a tomboy and would give Josh a run for his money at sports- especially football. I have a feeling that she would also be interested in Marvel and would probably be as crazy as him with the Marvel obsession. She'd also play Fifa and beat Josh the odd time, in which he'd claim would be 'unfair'. Maybe 3-4 years younger than him.

Cian: I feel Cian would go for someone who is more mature. Yes he's crazy when it comes to LNA, but I feel that if he had a girlfriend, he would act more grown up. I think he'd treat her like a princess. Maybe she'd be 3-4 years younger or possibly older than him? I feel that she would be laid back, placid and the type of person to go with the flow. They would be the 'chill' couple.

Brendan: Now, we all know Bren as being one of the shyest, if not the shyest of the band. I feel maybe like Cian, he'd go for a girl that was a little laid back, but she still knows how to have fun! I would imagine she would be into the music too. She'd have beautiful eyes and Bren would fall for them every time he looked into them. Maybe 5-6 years younger? Because I feel Brendan would love to feel protective of his girlfriend.

Ryan: I feel Ryan would be one of those guys who would go out with someone he has known for ages, maybe his whole life. They would be childhood sweethearts. She would be 1-2 years younger than him. I feel that she would be more outgoing than Ryan, and every time they were with each other, Ryan would come out of his shell with her.

Dean: I feel that Dean would fall for a girl with the nicest personality. She would be a bit tall and she would be obsessed with Disney. I can see them fighting over which movie is the best, as she prefers another Disney movie. She would be a trustworthy person and never dream of breaking Deans heart. I feel maybe 3-4 year younger than him.

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