Personal Imagine for SelenaLuvsSPN67

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"Hey guys." You said with a smile and the boys all said hello.

"You look nice today Y/N." Niall said with a sneaky grin and you rolled your eyes with a smile.

"Thanks Ni." You said before going to the kitchen to grab something to eat. You opened your fridge and looked at the food. Milk, left over Chinese food, water jug, orange juice, eggs, lettuce... You jumped when you felt someone poke your side and saw Liam smirking behind you. "Asshole." You chuckled and he jumped onto the table behind you.

"Sorry Hun, couldn't hold myself back." He said and you closed the fridge door. You jumped onto the table next to him and grabbed an apple from the bowl behind him.

"What's up Li?" You asked and he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. You noticed how to sunlight from the window above the sink glistened upon his hair, everything about him just looked perfect at this moment.

"Nothing. Just wanted to scare ya, I guess." He chuckled and you took a bite of your apple and hopped off the table.

"Then let's go out there since you accomplished your goal." You held your hand out with a smile and he smiled back before grabbing your hand. You felt a spark when he touched your hand and you both noticed it and blushed but you still led him out there by his hand. You let go once you reached the couch and fell onto the empty spot on the love seat. You rested your legs on the vacant spot next to you but you noticed Liam walking over so you lifted your legs so he could sit. He sat down and you placed your legs on his lap and you played on your phone. He rested his arms against your legs and you smiled at the feeling.

"What should we watch?" Niall asked and Harry went through Netflix and Liam's hand rested on your knee while Harry did this. You looked up and saw him concentrating on the TV so you thought he didn't notice his placement of his hand.

"I can't find anything. Y/N, can you check my room for that new movie I got?" Harry said and you nodded as you stood up. You swung your legs off Liam's lap and pushed off the couch by pushing your right hand off Liam's left knee. "It's the new Captain America movie. I rented it from the red box so it's in one of those square boxes." He explained and you went up to his room. You opened his door and noticed how clean his room was. His bed was made, his closet door was shut, his desk was neat, and there were no clothes on the floor. You went over to his movie shelf and kept pulling movies out and checking to see if the movie was there. After five minutes, you still couldn't find anything so you checked near his TV, on his desk, under his bed, and even in his closet. You heard the door open so you assumed it was Harry so you started talking.

"I can't find it Haz. Are you sure it's here? It could be- Oh, hi Li." You said once you turned around and you saw the door being abruptly shut behind him. You both looked confused and Liam tried to open it but something was against the door. He kept pushing the door but something was against it so he couldn't do anything.

"What the hell is going on?" Liam shouted through the door and you walked over to him to try and hear an answer.

"You two aren't coming out until you talk to each other about your feelings." Louis shouted through the door and you froze. You slowly turned and walked towards Harry's bed and sat down on it. Liam kept banging against the door until you decided to stop him. You got up and grabbed his arm lightly to make him stop. He stopped and turned to face you and you were both very close to each other.

"They aren't gonna let us leave Li." You whispered and he sighed softly before walking over to the bed.

"What did he mean?" Liam asked and you sat next to him.

"What?" You asked and Liam ran his fingers through his hair.

"What did he mean when he said we needed to talk about our feelings?" He asked and he turned his head to look at you. You knew what he meant but you just shrugged your shoulders with a sigh.

One Direction Preferences  =POù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant