Our mark, our family

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There he was, sitting on our bed with a bunch of pillows supporting his back and our daughter laying on his arms eating from her bottle.

His family.

Looking at Harry, staring at her with such intensity and so much love, makes me want to cry.

Can't believe how fast time passed, from when we found out he was pregnant and 7 and a half months of morning sickness, mood swings, cravings, and pain but he never complain about anything even after throwing up all morning or not having a minute of sleep at night, he would just give me a tired smile and tell me it was all worth it.

She was born a whole 4 weeks before the 40 weeks mark and it was so terrifying for a long moment, I thought I was going to lose both of them.

It was the most frightening experience to not be able to hear your daughter cry when she was born, and it was devastating and heartbreaking to hear the Doctors say that she "wasn't able to make it" after a few minutes of neonatal resuscitation.

Listening to Harry repeat "no no no" not accepting that she was gone and demanding the doctors to let him hold her.

Looking at her for the first time, the most beautiful person in the whole world not crying, not moving, and not even breathing!  I couldn't hold back anymore and started sobbing. But Harry wasn't crying he just kept holding her to his unclothed chest, moving his hands up and down her small back whispering how much he loves her and how much he was waiting for her to get here.

"Get in here," he said to me "and take off your shirt, skin to skin contact, Louis, get in here please" he pleaded.

I scrambled to get off my shirt, climbing up on the bed and hugging them both. I don't know how long we stayed like that, it could have been hours or seconds but we wouldn't stop touching her and telling her how much we love her.

It was obviously a miracle when Harry felt her small hand twitch. He looked at me with big and scared eyes not believing what he just saw. But in that moment she decided to make a small sound, not a cry like a normal baby would do but a small mewl, like a baby kitten crying. And then, Harry started crying, hugging her closer to his chest and whispering soothing things to her.

The Doctors, not believing what was happening in front of their eyes rushed to take her from Harry, but he wasn't letting her go, not trusting the doctors to keep her alive, breathing and crying, just like she was doing it right that moment.

After a few more minutes and some persuading from the Doctors, we let them take her. They were mostly worried about some brain damage that might have caused by the lack of breathing.

But after a long night and some testing, the doctors declared that she was 100% healthy just a month premature.

She is perfect.

She was born with so much dark hair and a scrunched up nose that even then I knew she had gotten from me and pink pouty lips just like Harry's.

Our daughter.

"Hey, love" I greet him, walking inside our bedroom

"Oh hey, Louis you're back"

"Hmm," I nod, walking towards them giving Harry a peck on his lips then a kiss on her forehead running my knuckle down her downy cheek.

"How was she?"

"Good, still not crying though just making those noises like a baby kitten."

"Well, you always wanted a cat" I tease, smiling down at him.

He looks down at her, kissing her temple

"My baby kitten," he said sweetly "Love you so much"

Hearing those words made my heart fill with so much joy and love for both of them.

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