3. Shopping Trip

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I wandered to the accessories, just to see what there was. I saw a pair of white clout goggles, which I grabbed because why not? I didn't see anything else so I went back to the guys for the second time.

"Okay, now I'm really done," I told them. Josh looked through the basket and nodded, satisfied with the amount.

"Okay, great. Let's check out," with that we all walked over. I put the basket on the counter and the cashier started scanning.

"Okay, your total is $43.50," she said. I suddenly felt so bad, I didnt even think about prices. Oh god, that's a lot to spend on one person! Why was I so stupid? Tyler must have noticed my expression because he whispered to me.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll live," he whispered and smiled. I gave him an anxious smile and turned away. This is all too much for someone you're going to be giving back in less than a week.

Josh handed me the back of stuff and we walked out to the car, off to another store.


We pulled up to Best Buy. Why? To get me a new phone. But like, why?! Mine works okay, I guess. But phones are expensive as hell...

"So what kind of phone do you want?" Josh asks me and I shrug.

"I don't care," I reply. The cheapest one.

"You dont care about a lot of things, do you?" He asks me and I shake my head. "Well, pick one." He chuckles. I sigh and grab an iPhone 5 from the counter. Josh and Tyler looked at me weird (please don't make fun of me I wrote this in middle school).

"You don't want a newer one?" Tyler asked. I shook my head.

"Alright. Give it here and I'll get it, you and Tyler go roam for a little," Josh said. Tyler and I walked over to the cameras, and my eyes instantly landed on an Instax mini camera. It's so cute, and they had one in white!

I grabbed it and started looking at it, but put it back when Josh came over.

"Let's go gang," he said, making Tyler chuckle. I smiled.

We got back in the car and Josh handed me the phone box. I stared at it, then stared at him.

"This is an iPhone 8, not a 5s," I mumbled. He smiled.

"I thought you might want the animoji thing. It's pretty fun," he explained as we drove home. I smiled sadly, and thanked him. We listened to a lot of Adele on the way back.


"Thanks guys. You really didn't have to get all of this," I told them.

"We know. We just wanted to," They said, shooing me upstairs to put my stuff away.

After I finished, the boys called me down for dinner and said I had to be hungry, so I went down.

I sat down, them already eating their spaghetti. I looked down at my plate, starving.

"It looks so good...." I thought to myself. "But I can't eat it. I'm almost there." I quickly reminded myself.

"You okay Lillie?" Josh asked, his mouth full. I nodded.

"I'm fine," I told him.

Just to make them happy, I took a small bite of garlic bread, and ate a few spaghetti noodles. The rest of the time I drank water.

"I'm done," I told them, pushing my plate forward.

"Lillie. You didn't eat anything. Eat a few more forkfulls of noodles and the whole piece of bread, then you can leave," Josh said, while Tyler looked at me suspiciously.

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