Chapter Two: Hamlet

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"Maxy, it's time to wake up!"
"Five more minutes, Ella."
"No. Please get up. Aunt Claire is crying again."
I shot up hitting my head on Ella's bed on top of mine.
"Why is she crying?"
"Calvin came back."
I rush down stairs.
"Aunt Claire?!"
"Good morning Max. Bacon and eggs?"
I look slowly to Ella, my four year sister.
"Its just a prank." She starts laughing and so does my ten year old brother, Michael. I may be stupid, but my little brother is just plain flat dick. He's fucking ten years old and he think he wants to sell weed for a living. Thanks to Calvin, my aunt's boyfriend. Michael looks up to Calvin but Calvin is just rude and impolite and doesn't deserve my aunt. I'm just glad he hasn't hurt her yet.
"No thank you. Where is Emma?"
"Oh shit. I knew I missed one."
"Its okay. I'll get her up."
"Thank you so much Max."
"No problem. And for you two." I point to Ella and Michael. "We'll settle this when you two get home."
"Aye aye sir." They both say in unison. I laugh, so did they, as I went to Emma's room. I knock softly one her door as I enter. "Hello?"
"Max, I'm up."
"I figured as much but aunt Clare wanted me to make sure."
"Okay. You can go now." She says as she starts tearing up.
"Bad dream again?"
"Why won't they go away?"
"Because you're not letting them."
I hug her. "They're in a better place now."
"And what if they're not, Max. They may be suffering somewhere. Calling our names. Begging for help."
"Do you wish for them to?"
"Then they aren't. Although their bodies are gone, they are still here with us. With you."
She sniffles. "Do you really think so?"
"I know so."
She rubs her tears away and smiles. "Then I must as well."
"Good. Now go down and help Claire. I'm going to get dressed."
She heads off and I go into my room.

When I get to school, most kids are there. I go straight to my locker and everyone is looking at me.
"Take a picture! It'll last longer." I say and they all look away other than one guy that actually takes a picture and girl with pale skin and jet black hair. She walks over to me.
"Hiya I'm Lilly! Who are you?"
"Hey Max. Is it your first day?"
"Well, um, would you like me to show you around?"
"Not really."
"Yea, Lilly, that's my job." Some guy with brown hair and a lama shirt on says as he walks to us.
"Okay Daniel. But get him to go to the sick party tonight."
"I'll do my best."
"Kay. Bye Daniel. Bye Max." She says my name a little sweeter than she says Daniel's.
"Room 406 is our homeroom."
"Do I have every class with you?"
"No but close to it."
He guides me to 406 and we both sit in the back of the room.
"Why are you here?"
"Daniel~senpai that's rude to ask."
"Sorry Jess."
The girl, who I suppose is Jess, has dark purple hair and cat ears on. She's cute but I guess she's Japanese since she called Daniel senpai.
"She's just really into anime."
"How did you..."
"Body language "
"Uh okay."
"So why did you move to Silverton?"
"Its kinda personal."
"No, its okay. Come tell me."
"I really don't want to."
"Fine. Whatever. Then what's your favorite color?"
He looks at me and laughs. "Come on dude. Its gotta be black."
"Its not. It is green and that's..."
After that, the bell rang.
"Off to science." Daniel said.
"I'll see ya later."
And he left.

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