We're here!

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"Stella?" Alex whispered. 

"Yeah?" I asked, opening my eyes. Oh my gosh, I thought, I fell asleep, leaning on Alex! 

"We're here!" Alex announced, removing his arm from around me. 

"Finally!" I grinned sleepily. I grabbed my backpack, and stretched. 

"It's already after one!" Alex exclaimed. 

"Wow!" I replied, yawning. 

"Don't yawn!" Alex exclaimed, "You're going to make me yawn!" I laughed as sure enough, he yawned. I pulled my phone out of my backpack, and revealed my battery to be almost fully charged.  I grabbed my bag, and stood up. Pat entered the aisle, and I slowly followed. I walked out, into a swarm of people. I looked around, mainly waiting for Alex. 

"That's a lot of people," Alex observed, walking out.  

"You think?" I grinned. 

"Hey guys!" Aubrey exclaimed. 

"Hey..." I answered, faking a smile. 

"I can't believe we're actually here!" Shawn mused. 

"Yeah." Alex agreed. 

"Juniors on the field trip to D.C? Follow me." Another worker directed. A swarm of people started trailing behind her, including the teachers. 

"Where do you think we're going?" Alex whispered. 

"Who knows..." I muttered, following the worker as well. With Alex next to me, and Shawn and company behind, we walked until we had reached our destination. Baggage claim. I collected my bag, and waited for further directions. 

"Does everyone have their bags?" The worker questioned, "Then follow me."  I nodded my head. We were lead outside, and to some more buses. 

  "Another bus." Alex stated, shaking his head. Again there were was multiple buses, and one for luggage.  

"Load your luggage into this bus." The teacher pointed, as the worker walked away. 

"Guess we're going." I informed Alex. He smiled, as we walked toward and into the bus. I set my bag down, and walked away with Alex. 

"You wanna sit next me?" Alex questioned. 

"Yes!" I exclaimed, a little too happily. 

"Nice." Alex answered, as we sat down. This time, I sat down by the window. 

"Man... I'm hungry." I complained, taking some chips out of my backpack. Alex grinned. 

"What's your favorite kind of chip?" Alex questioned, smiling. 

" Barbecue. What's yours?" I asked. Why does want to know?  I thought. 

"Same as you." Alex smiled. 

"Hey Kitten!" A familiar voice shouted. Ughh. Shawn.  I looked toward the front of the bus, and saw Shawn entering. I rolled my eyes, but smiled as well. 

"You don't have to call me that..." Aubrey blushed. What? I thought, That was his nickname for ME. 

"Yes I do!" Shawn replied, smirked. He was getting closer to Alex and I. 

"Oh hey Stella." Shawn greeted, sitting down in the seat across from me. I glared back.  

"Hi." I answered flatly, as Aubrey sat down next to him. 

"May I sit by you guys?" Olivia asked Shawn and Aubrey. 

"Sure." Aubrey answered. 

"Why not?" Shawn replied, putting his arm around Aubrey. Aubrey giggled.  I frowned, turning to Alex. Alex rolled his eyes at Shawn, and whispered in my ear. 

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