Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: 

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." ~ Aristotle

If I can barely stand the plane ride from New York to Austin, I don’t know how I am going to last the plane ride from New York to London. I think I might go insane. Even though we’re in first class, some kid behind me keep throwing cheerios at me. I have come so close to turning around and telling him to stop, and once I finally did I came to realize that it was not some kid, but a twenty something year old man for crying out loud. Immature much? 

It has been a week since Harry told me about his real identity. I could tell that he was worried that I would change or something and ask for all of these different things, but after I explained to him that I didn’t care about his money he was back to normal. 

I was interrupted from my thoughts by Harry talking  to me, “Love, since we are on a plane with me and several other passengers for the next four hours, I would like to ask you something very important. In front of witnesses so you can’t kill me for asking you.” He paused to see if I was listening and when I nodded he went on, “Since you know about me, will you let me pay off your debt from school?”

I immediately shook my head, “No, no way. It’s my debt, I will pay it off on my own; a little at a time. I am not letting you pay my debt.” 

Harry moved my head to where I was forced to look at him, “Please, baby? I don’t like to see you struggling to have things. You said it yourself last month that you could barely pay your rent because of your school debt. I can help you pay that off.” 

I shook my head again, “Baby, no. It’s my debt, I don’t want you wasting your money on something like that. I owe almost thirty thousand dollars to NYU. You don’t need to spend that amount of money on me, babe. I’m not that special.” I reassure him. 

Harry took a second to think about something, “Well, if I marry you, will you let me pay off your debt?” 

I sat next to him in shock, marriage? Excuse me? “Babe, if we were to get married, then yes, I would let you pay some of it off, because it would be yours too. But I need to earn the money to pay it off myself.” 

Harry nodded at what I said then he said something that I swear made my heart stop for a minute or two, “Good thing I plan on marrying you then, right?”

I  feel my breath stop, almost instantly a cocoon of butterflies break loose in my stomach. He wants to marry me? Me, Melissa Ray, twenty one year old radio host in New York City from a small town in Texas. The girl who didn’t believe in love until four months ago? The girl who has a deaf brother that she would do anything for? Well you know what? If he wants to marry me, then I want to marry him. Harry is truly my best friend; he taught me how to love, he was there for me when I went and saw my father. So much more; I love the nights where he would stay the night and we would just stay up late dancing in my kitchen. He’s played the piano for me, and I’ve played my guitar for him. He is amazing to me. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him. 

And with that thought I fell asleep with a gigantic smile on my face. 

When I woke up we had a little over twenty minutes of the plane ride left and I was insanely hungry. I’m guessing it’s around lunch time because everyone on the plane was eating a meal. I looked forward and saw that Harry had ordered for me because there was a super yummy looking plate of steak sitting in front of me with my name on it. 

I sat up and began eating my steak, and looked at Harry who was watching a movie on the screen on the chair in front of us. Once my eyes focused on the screen, I realized he was watching Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John; what a dweeb. 

I looked at Harry to see that he was now watching me, “What?” I asked Harry while looking at him in confusion. 

“Just wondering how lucky I am to have you in my life, love,” Harry said to me while winking. Instantly I felt my cheeks turn  red. He has always had this effect on me. 

Harry laughed at my reaction, “We will be landing soon in London, my dear. My mum will love you, as will my father. You’re going to love your visit here. I promise.” 

I smiled, “Well, in a little while it won’t be just a visit. Remember,my lease goes up soon? Instead of renewing it, I decided to move here. It would actually be cheaper to live here than in New York. I already have a job offer with BBC.” I explained to Harry. 

Harry nodded and began to tell me more about his family; like that his father likes to take the dogs out hunting every Saturday morning whenever something is in season, and that his mother is really into photography. 

 I have never been so nervous in my life. 

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