Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give you forever” ~ Nicholas Sparks- the Notebook

It’s been two weeks since Harry and I met at the restaurant and had our first date. Since then we’ve been out every night, since Harry requested to work during the daytime. Our relationship has progressed tremendously. Yesterday, Harry called into the radio station while I was on air and asked me out in the sweetest way someone can ask out a person.

He had called in and started talking with us about American gas prices and how different they were in the United Kingdom. At first he had given us a generic name for us to call him, but I knew it was him. We had many midnight phone calls over the past two weeks; I could recognize his voice from anywhere at this point.

After five minutes of him talking about gas prices here in New York City, he said, “You know, I don’t really want to talk about gas prices right now. I actually want advice on how to ask out this woman that I have been talking to for quite a while who listens to this radio show every morning. You know, Charlie, your cohost sounds a lot like her. Maybe you two know her? Melissa Ray?”

It had taken me awhile to comprehend what he was saying to me once I heard him mention my name. I was expecting him to ask me out soon but not like this; over the phone while I’m on air. Charlie had to nudge me so I’d reply, “Yeah, actually, that name does sound familiar.” I had said while grinning like a fool.

“Well, do you think, if I asked her to be my girlfriend right now, she’d say yes?” He had asked me.

I had nodded but soon realized that he couldn’t see me, “I think she might.”

I heard him laugh, “Well, then, Melissa Ray, would you go out with me?”

I laughed and said, “Well, you know, this thing came up… Oh of course, I’ll go out with you, Harry!”

It was extremely sweet of him to ask me out that way, now I can say that I have my very first boyfriend; and I’m twenty one.

Currently I’m packing my suitcase so I can make my flight to Austin, Texas on time.   Thankfully, I am only taking one suitcase that will act as my carry on this time instead of my last trip down to Texas where I had four bags and my carry on. Harry stayed true to his word and has actually bought three tickets to see the New York Yankees at the next home game which is on the only Saturday that I’m going to have Mitchell here with me, since I’m going to be having Mitch in New York with me starting Monday (it’s Saturday right now FYI), right before I fly back to Texas to get Mitchell home two days later next Monday. Over the past two weeks I’ve taught Harry the basics of American Sign Language. He’s really excited to meet Mitchell. I’m nervous about how Mitch will act around Harry, since Harry is a “hearie”, someone who can hear.  

We were being driven by Jessica to the JFK airport so we wouldn’t have to take my car or pay for cab fare. Speaking of Jessica, she was so happy when I told her about Harry. I’m still half deaf in my right ear because she screamed so loud the night I called her after our third date to tell her about him. She swears she’s a matchmaker because she convinced me to talk to him. She’s met Harry; they’ve talked a few times. She’s given him the best friend lecture saying if he hurts me she will be after his ass. She likes him a lot; she says he’s just what I need in a guy.

Harry seemed almost aggravated when I wouldn’t let him pay for Mitchell and mines plane tickets. I know he wants to buy me those kinds of things because he knows about my school debt, but I still cannot accept it; even though we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.

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