"Weslynn, what are you doing down here so late?"

Oh no, that's Fiona's voice. My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I saw her standing near the counter. She was dressed in a black silk robe and she was spinning a pill around in a circle with her index finger. My throat burned.

"I just - I just needed to use the restroom is all."

She stopped spinning the pill and walked up closer to me.

"You do know there's a bathroom right next to your room, yes? Or has Delia forgotten to mention that to you?"

I could not bring myself to speak again. Why was it that every time I got near her, I had no power over what to say. I did my best to calm down and I started to rub at the nape of my neck in an act of nervousness. Old habit of mine.

"N-no, I didn't know there was. I didn't want to cause any trouble by accidentally going into someone else's room, so I thought I would play it safe down here."

She looked at me for the longest time and I grew very uncomfortable. Should I apologize? Why is she acting so strange around me. I could not read her thoughts at all.

Fiona walked the rest of the way over to me and slightly bent down to whisper something in my ear.

"Goodnight, Weslynn."

Her breath tickled at my ear and goosebumps rose from my arms. Fiona Goode surely had an effect on me and I could not help but show it. I felt like a small mouse.

Later that morning, I woke to the sounds of clinking metal utensils and cups. I groggily made my bed, brushed out my hair, and put on my fluffy robe.

I walked out into the hallway and looked both ways before I entered the bathroom.

The bathroom is huge, to say the least. Its ceiling is high and the porcelain floor is cold to my feet. The shower stood at the left side of the room and the sink and cabinet were at the right. That was all that was in here, besides the small window.

I grabbed a towel and turned the water on to a warm temperature before stepping in. I allowed myself only fifteen minutes to be in here — my usual time being about thirty — but sticking to my mental note, I did not want to piss anyone else off.

The water felt like silk as it rolled down my body. Lathering my skin up with soap, I began to wonder if the ones staying here already have gotten used to this sort of living. I know that it will take me a while before this is all familiar to me.

I could feel the stares of the other witches fall on me as I sat down in my assigned seat at the dining room table. Nan sat across from me and I gave her a small smile, which she returned. I looked over the the left of her and saw the blonde witch who had no right to rudely intrude into my room.

I cleared my throat and sat patiently until I heard the wheels of a breakfast cart rolling its way into the room. The woman, who I figured was the maid, looked as if she was in her fifties or so. Her eyelids sagged slightly and her hair was a mess. She looked incredibly exhausted.

She made her way around the table, and when she finally got to me, I let out a silent "thank you."

The other witches stopped their actions abruptly, most of their forks halted halfway to the trip to their mouths.

The blonde one dropped her fork and gave me a blank stare.

"Did you just say, 'thank you'?"

Were there not any manners in this place?

"Yes, I did say thank you. Is there a problem with that?"

Another witch, Queenie, whose name I had learned from mind reading, laughed.

"I wouldn't mess with her new witch, she doesn't play around. I, myself, wouldn't have said 'thank you' to that bitch either. Have you heard what she did to all of those innocent slaves? I would stab her right now with my fork if it wasn't for Fiona who made her my personal maid."

I was learning so much about everyone and it was just my second day. Fiona was right, I do have a lot to learn.

I took a moment to let things sink in before I replied.

"But that doesn't mean I can't be humane and polite. I can tell this place needs a little lesson in manners..."

My voice trailed off and Queenie stood, ready to come at me with her fork. Before she could take two steps, her body fell completely back into her chair with a humph.

"Girls, girls, now come on. Give the new girl a break," Fiona said nonchalantly.

Fiona walked up to the breakfast table to flick her cigarette ashes into one of the water glasses. Cigarettes for breakfast, what a joy, I thought. Fiona scanned the entirety of the room without making any comments, creating a rather tense atmosphere. Cordelia was nowhere to be found and I started to wish that she would show up and ease the tension; however, with a smirk, Fiona began to speak.

Hell On EarthDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora