Chapter 2: Unexpected Lips

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Pewds P.O.V.:

So I had gotten off the plane and gone to the luggage pick up area , I had been much happier than I expected. As I was waiting, all of a sudden I felt warm hands wrapping around my neck and shoulders as a familiar voice whispered in my ear :

"Hey there, How are you, You sexy beast?"

I Instantly new it was cry as i turned around and embraced him in a warm and friendly hug.

"I'm better now that your here, Cry." Pewds said. "so we should get your luggage and get back to my place you must be tired, friend." Said Cry.

As we were putting my luggage into his car, our hands "accidently" ( to mean it was actually on purpose) bumped into each other as a sharp but strange tingleing sensation went up my arm from my hand. I quickly managed not to squeal as it was actually quite painful at first. 

Crys P.O.V.:

I watched as he slipped into the passenger side of my black toyota camry, and as soon as i started the car and headed back to my place down in orlando , was he sound asleep.

When we got to my place Felix was still asleep , so  I picked him up bridal- style and carried him into my apartment thanking myself that i had cleaned the house up earlier before i picked him up. I forgot that i didn't fix up the guest room so i gently lied him down on my bed as to not wake him and pulled the covers over him. I grabbed some blankets and pillows and fixed a bed on the floor next to my bed and i too was sound asleep before i knew it.

Pewdies P.O.V.: 

I Awoke on an unfamiliar bed confused, but i immediately remembered that Marzia had kicked me out , remembering her was all i needed to start crying again . I stopped after what felt like an hour and sat up , i almost stood up when i noticed cry sleeping on the floor. How Can he be so adorable when he sleeps ? crap i forgot hes not wearing his mask he might not know its not on and i don't want him getting mad at me, but - My Thoughts were cut off when without thinking i leaned over and caressed his cheek with the back of my hand and then leaned down kissing him on his forehead. I got up stopping myself and went into the bathroom , I took a look at myself in the mirror noticing my eyes were red and puffy, my hair looking like sex hair, (lol <<) I chuckled and decided to take a shower. I took my clothes off , and got in the shower letting the hot water drown my thoughts away. I was interrupted with a loud thud coming from Cry's Bedroom. I quickly got out wrapping a towel around my waist, and rushed to see what the noise was. 

Pewds: " Cry?!?"

Cry: "Ow!"

Pewds: "God damn it, What Happened?" 

Cry: "I-I didn't Mean to - shit!"

I Ran in and saw that their was shattered porcelain everywhere coming from the bathroom in his room. "Cry?" I went into his bathroom thanking god that he had a towel around his waist. "What Did you do?"

Cry: "I was t-trying t-to get my mask on but my hands were wet so i shrug-ged i-it off and tried p-p-putting it on and it shattered. Now my foots bleeding badly!" 

Pewds: "oh!, Hang on, hang on , I'll Look for something..." My voice trailed off as i panickly searched the cabinets under the sink for bandages and alcohol, i found them seconds later and went to set them on crys bed. I rushed back to the bathroom , "grab your towel so it doesn't fall off" 

Cry: "Wait b-but wh- "

I cut him off by picking him up bridal style onto the bed and put some alcohol on his severe foot wound to make sure it wouldn't get infected, i then wrapped bandages around the wound. 

" There, All better," I said out of breath.

Cry: "t-thanks pewds," he said hugging me.

"No problem, bro," I hugged him back squeezing lightly. Yep Hes adorable, thats what i love about him....

Crys P.O.V.: 

I had woken up to the sound of the guest room shower turning on knowing it was probably Felix.

I got up to take a shower myself, when i had gotten out i had found my porcelain mask on the counter of the sink i had shrugged off the fact that my hands were wet and i could hurt myself. So i grabbed it but it slipped, knowing what would happen i jammed my hands over my ears and squeezed my eyes closed waiting for the pain to come. The next thing i knew was pewds was by my side on my bed putting my severely bleeding foot wound in bandages. "T-thanks pewds," and then i hugged him. 

"No problem, bro," he said hugging me back. His hug was warm i felt a strange tingle and felt safe for an awfully odd reason.

But As usual i shrugged it off, but then coming to my senses, i reliazed we were both only wrapped in towels , with the towels being the only things keeping us from hiding our extremely hard private areas. I looked into pewds stikingly pure blue  eyes getting lost in them i leaned towards him and whispered, "I want to try something"

Pewds: "Hm?"

"C-c-can I k-kiss you?" I managed to get out.

Pewds: "....."

But instead of me before i could react pewds closed the gap between us smashing his lips against mine, as i was filled with not only desire for more but fireworks that i had never felt before. I grazed his lips , asking for entrance as he allowed access and our tongues twirled together as i gasped for air. ""

Pewds: "that was pleasurable"

Wait did felix just admit he liked it ? What if he wants more? I wond- My thoughts were cut off when he coughed at the fact we were still in our towels mine threatening to slip off . "uhm , right we should uh go get dressed, friend.."

Pewds P.O.V.: 

I coudn't believe how fucking good it felt when i kissed him, closing the gap between us, i felt like i wanted to do more to him yet i didn't even know why. I mean i'm not Gay am i? I've consdered being bisexual before but not I?





AND FOLLOW ME PLEASE SO I KNOW YOUR READING!! Kay? Baii! I love you guys so much !! Muah!!! :* Also Thanks for the 31 reads On chapter One And if you want to be dedicated please save to your library and vote!!! 

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