Dumped all the sparkle in your eyes.~ {Chapter 3}

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The smell of Alchohol filled my nose and the pounding music clouded my senses. I looked over and Zurich laughed loudly, looking back at me with a twinkle in his eyes. I could tell this wasn't his first party, because if  it was his expression would be just like mine; panic, confusion and utter fear. I think he picked up on my emotions because he took my hand and led me to the kitchen. "Listen El, you just need to lighten up. If people get to know you like A and I do, you'll be the life of the party. Besides, did you see all the guys checking you out!? Here sweetie, drink this." He said, thrusting a purple cup with a brown liquid in it. I knew it was most likely alcohol, and I knew that I would most likely get knocked off my ass by it, but I knew that Zur was right. I took the cup and drank it down quickly, bitterness and then a cloudy feeling automatically hitting me. I knew this wasn't going to be all roses.


"ELLIOTT DEAR LORD!" Someone shrieked. I suddenly came to my senses and found myself drunkenly dancing with some "Bryce Larson" Who I didn't even know went to our school. I looked around confused, trying to find the source of the soft but immensely loud voice. "DAMMIT EL GET OVER HERE!" It rang out again, causing me to huff and furrow my eyes brows. "Where are you?" I slurred, surprising myself at how it came out. I knew I was drunk, but I didn't know how obvious it would come out sounding.

Suddenly I was ripped away from "Bryce" and was being led towards a corner of the room where the colored lights didn't seem to touch. "What on earth are you doing?! Have you been drinking?.. YOU HAVE! How much?" The familiar voice snipped in my ear, causing me to question who it was. It was then that I realized I had no idea who I was talking to. "Sorry, and you are?" I mumbled out, sighing as I realized how stupid I sounded. "You're completely knackered! Dammit, this is why I wanted Zur to stay with you, but I bet he supported the excessive drinking, didn't he?"

A brief moment of clear was felt as it dawned on me that I was talking to Anna. Right. Like, my only other real friend in this whole school. "Oh, it's Anna. Of course, I mean everyone wants to know me and "be my friend" but no one really cares about my well being. Hell, if anything they'd probably ask me to do shots with them- wait, is this what being popular is like?" I jumbled out, the fog setting back over my brain. I heard Anna inhale deeply then let out a long exasperated sigh. "Poor girl. I bet this is your first time drinking too." I clapped and my eyes widened. "IT IS!!! Wooow, A you should be a magician...mind reader?...physic?...pe teacher?..." I trailed off, mentally screaming at myself at how ignorant I sounded. I was being that annoying girl every other girl avoids then talks shit about, and every guy tries to lay.

'Okay, you're too drunk to function." Anna said, panic lacing in her voice. "We'll uhm...find u-uh....OH! Let's take you upstairs, away from where you can hurt someone...or yourself. And we'll have you take a 30 minute power nap, and then we'll take you home." She finished, sounding more like she was assuring herself than me. "Why would I sleep here? Can't you just take me home?" I question, proud of getting out coherent sentence since I drank that awful concoction. "There is NO WAY IN HELL I'm taking you home ghost-face-wasted. Your parents will not only not let you hang out with me ever again, but they will probably have my ass glued to a plaque on your wall. I don't know them too well, but when I talked to them before Z and I got you ready, they seemed pretty worried about you going out and making bad descisions. I thought Z would take care of you, but when I find him..." She stopped and cracked her knuckles, causing a small smile to spread across my lips. "Now come on, let's get you up these stairs and into bed." She said breathily, leading me up the long staircase.

After I was all situated in the strange bedroom that was suprisingly tidy and smelled of a dark yet fiery smell (which at the moment made me want to vomit), I realized that this was Louis house. "WAIT. WHOS ROOM IS THIS?" I said in a slurred yet deadly low tone. "I don't know...probably Louis' sisters or something. Way too clean to be his." I nodded and then smiled drunkenly, letting my head fall on the pillow. It smelled alarmingly farmiliar, but I couldn't put my finger on the scent. "Well, excuse me while I go and look for that dumbass." She snipped, cracking her knuckles again and making me wince. "GO GET EM TIGER!" I slurred once again, making me want to slap myself. "Okayyyy, sleep tight." She said, a bit of worry tinged in her voice. I heard the door open, letting music pour into the room and making my head pound, and then the door was closed again, the sound of silence slowly creeping into my sensess, causing my eyelids to grow heavier by each second.

Right when I was about to fall asleep, I heard the door open, the music drowning out my peaceful silence and then the door closed again, only this time I heard quick breathing. An audible groan came up my throat. "It's great you found him so fast, but I don't think it's been thirty minutes- but maybe it has, I mean, how would I know- but I think I'm still pretty-" "What the hell are you doing in my room?" I heard a low raspy voice question softly. Only it wasn't confusing this time, I knew excactly whos voice this was. I shot up, feeling suddenly sober as my eyes flitted straight to the door where a tall Louis Tomlinson stood, leaned agaisnt his dresser. While his expression was everything but friendly, there was a soft undertone of confusion and something I'd like to read as worry, but I pushed that away blaming it on my drunken state for thinking that. "Wait....YOUR ROOM?!"

Just can't let her go {Punk Louis Tomlinson fanfic}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum