road trip to destiny

Start from the beginning

Matthew laughed then sighed in agreement before picking up his paintbrush and putting Arthur on speaker phone. He began to paint. 

The friends start their journey in Santa Barbara at 05:40, five minutes ahead of schedule. Arthur took the first driving shift and he'd be driving them to Sedona, Arizona. Matthew sat in the passenger seat, playing The 1975 until 09:16 when Alfred became fully awake and demanded someone play a mixtape worthy of this road trip. 

Kiku sat in the very back of his SUV sleeping while Ivan and Alfred called out song requests and generally made things seem livelier. The two distracted from the fact that Ivan left for Russia in two months, they distracted from real life. They reached their hotel around 19:30 having made the entire ten hour trip in one day. They'd be spending two days in Sedona exploring and doing touristy things.

 Something happened between Ivan and Alfred at a quaint ice cream shoppe. The two had been making jokes and their hands kept brushing and Alfred was blushing but hiding it well enough. They started making dad jokes when a little girl approached them and blatantly asked, "Are you two dating?" 

Kiku actually spit water on Arthur in his attempt to hide the laughter. 

It felt cliche as hell. 

"No, we're not dating. Are you dating anyone?" Alfred shot back, he was fighting with a little girl. 

"Of course not! I'm like eight years old, don't be stupid." She snapped.

Ivan's face had turned a brilliant shade of pink.

The drive to Santa Fe was much shorter only six or so hours. Ivan was curled against the window with Alfred's head on his shoulder, they weren't asleep even though it was getting late. Kiku was driving with Matthew in the passenger seat, their voices were murmurs in the darkness. Arthur was passed out in the back muttering innocently in his sleep. 

When the voices in the front died down Alfred asked, "Ivan why'd you agree to come on this trip?" 

Ivan shifted his eyes to look directly at Alfred. "I wanted to be with m-my friends one last time before I go home." 

Home for Ivan was motherfucking Russia. 

Alfred watched Ivan stare out the window and he could feel Ivan heave in a sigh. "I wanted to spend my summer with you, Alfie." 

Alfred choked, emotional now. "I'm glad I'm spending these few weeks with you."

Santa Fe and Texas were uneventful and full of sexual tension, Alfred hid his feelings behind driving all nighters (Ivan wasn't any better).

Alabama saw everyone shirtless and full of mirth. 

Atlanta was clearly the twins favorite place, Alfred was practically jumping up and down the entire time and Matthew seemed at ease and relaxed. The aquarium was heaven, Alfred loved the sharks most of all. 

They spent the day running around and having Alfred tell them about fish after fish and dolphin after otter after squid. He was so obviously in his happy place somehow it was clear having Ivan there made Alfred even happier.

Florida was where the magic happened. It was late at night and Alfred and Ivan stood together on the beach, alone. 

"Russia is not quite like this." Ivan said, looking up at the stars. 

"No place is quite Florida." Alfred agreed. 

"I have something to tell you." Ivan whispered into the dark. 

"Please tell me you love me." Alfred hissed audible only to the stars. 

"I'm going to kiss you." Ivan said before following through. 

They kissed and kissed. 

"Please don't say anything. I want to tell you something, I've been crushing on you since the first day of ninth grade. Your confidence and kindness and humor and looks drew me to you. The way you care about others, the way you make me laugh, the way you look when you've just woken up, your ability to remember small things about people, and so many other things kept me drawn in. You suckered me in and I never thought I'd be able to get you. I care about you so deeply I never want to lose you. I wish I didn't have to go back to Russia." Ivan said, his eyes wide with trepidation. 

"Ivan, you mean the world to me. You're my best friend and I've been in love with you since ninth grade. I don't want to lose you. You go back to Russia and I have to stay here. I feel like I just got you." Alfred confessed. 

"Hey, it'll be okay." Ivan assured with a kiss.

The ride back to California was filled with less wonder if any at all. It was still their road trip and that's what mattered. 

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