Once Forgotten

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[Knight au]

"Don't fret, everyone here is accepting." Tino reassured the tall knight before him. "I excel at fretting." Berwald pointed out. "Please, it'll be alright." Berwald nodded slowly, "Okay." Tino smiled warmly and took Berwald by the hand. Tino led him around to the captain of the guard, "Hey, Captain Vash, this is my partner Berwald." Captain Vash didn't bat an eye, "Hope he remains a hard worker." The Swiss commented without much enthusiasm. Berwald nodded. 

"I will remain that way." 

"Then we'll continue to get along fine." Vash walked off then.

Grinning Tino led Berwald to meet his few friends, three to be exact.

"This is my partner Berwald." The tallest of the three flinched back immediately. 

"What?!" The over reactor was Mathias.

 "M-" Tino tried to sooth him.

"I-I Tino.. I can't believe you?" It came out a question.

 "Mathias calm down." A smaller boy said.

 "Um, hi Berwald. I'm Lukas, that's Emil, and he's Mathias." He turned to Tino.

"Tino, he'll just need time don't worry." Lukas smiled sadly and rubbed his friend's arm.

"I know... I just wanted him to be okay right off the bat." Tino confessed.

Lukas nodded, "We all wanted that." 

Tino smiled weakly, Berwald put his arms around Tino gently soothing him. Mathias had stormed off, and Emil had wondered off as well. 

"Tino, how'd Vash react?" 

"Calmly, he was perfectly fine with it." 

Lukas laughed and said, "That's Vash for you." He then continued, "He's generally accepting and wants hard workers." 

Tino agreed and Berwald smiled. "On another note, today is a mission day right?" Tino asked alarmed. "Yep, it's our first fighting mission this year." Berwald nodded, "Maybe we'll get lucky and it won't be as bad as the last fighting mission." Tino said, "Májusban a halott nyugodjon békében." "Amen." Added Lukas. Berwald nods, and they three lapse into silence. Vash calls, "gyere ide katonák!" And our three heroes start toward the edge of their small glade, which all knights lived in. 

"Alright soldiers," Vash began, "Today's our first fighting mission of the season." He pauses, "The queen wishes us better success.... Than last time..." 

A chorus of, "Májusban a halott nyugodjon békében!" Rang out and Vash continued, "Mount your horses and follow me." Everyone does as told and they start riding after Vash. Berwald rode next to Tino in silence.



"Be safe, I need you alive." 

Tino smiles softly. "We'll be okay... Don't fret Ber." 

Berwald nodded half heartedly, Tino coughed, and the two rode into battle side by side.

"BERWALD IS DOWN!" Fading in and out of control and being awake Berwald only heard bits and pieces of his lover screaming. He tried to reassure Tino, if that's who he was, that he was okay. Sure, his head hurt and he wasn't sure who Tino was, all he knew was Tino needed his reassurance. Finally awaken Berwald sat up, "Where am I?" He asked nervous, "Who's T'no?" Was his next question. 

Tino entered and watched Berwald before speaking, "Hi Berwald."

 "Are you T'no?" 

Tino smiled sadly, "I am."

 "You need my reassurance." Tino nodded.

 "You forgot me, but yes, Berwald, I need your reassurance more than anyone else's." 

Berwald nodded to himself. "Remembering is hard." A small blond boy entered with assistance from a taller blond boy, "Berwald, this is Emil and Lukas. Emil went blind during our mission, just like you forgot." Berwald became silent and Emli kept asking fearful questions to Lukas.

This had not been a successful mission.

Hungarian translations
Májusban a halott nyugodjon békében - may the dead rest in peace
gyere ide katonák - come here soldiers

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