ER Issues

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Tino couldn't dance and nobody has ever tried to convince him otherwise which is for the best. Tino went clubbing with his friends every Friday night and they refused to let him dance. This Friday was being spent in the ER and for the record it was entirely not Tino's fault.... Okay, maybe it was just a little bit Tino's fault. 

Tino had been out with his buddies but then he saw a cute new guy, Berwald, Tino thinks hazily. Berwald was an amazing dancer and could not be more out of Tino's league but eventually after Tino tried to hit on Berwald, Matthis got into a fight with Berwald and he got punched causing his nose to shattered. 

The ER was a bright place, everything seemed whitewashed there. A very drunk and in pain Matthis sat on Tino's left and he kept complaining about the state of his nose and mind. 

Lucas finally broke the silence, "Matthis shut the fuck up. If you hadn't tried to fight the guy who was so clearly into Tino this wouldn't have happened." Lucas reprimanded softly so the nurses didn't hear. 

"Tino, honey, none of this is your fault." He then soothed after seeing the panic on Tino's face. Lucas was the mom friend, everyone assumed it was Tino but Tino was too sexual and kind of an alcoholic, he looked too polite to be as awful as he was. 

Lucas' little brother Emli grumbled something about missing out on a date before getting up and leaving, Lucas let him go in amusement. 

Berwald sauntered in half an hour later, Matthis had been called back, taken Lucas with him, and left Tino behind. 

"I'm really sorry about your friends nose." Berwald muttered. 

Tino looked up in shock had hadn't been expecting an apology. 

"It's fine, he probably deserved it." Tino muttered, smiling a little.

"I liked you a lot and panicked." Berwald replied, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"You panicked and broke my friends nose?" Tino laughed.

"Well... Yes. It sounds much worse when you say it like that." Berwald said, laughing too.

"How about I take you to get drinks tomorrow night?" Tino offered.

"Can't. Maybe Monday?" 

Tino smiled at Berwald, "Sounds great."

The ER's brightness couldn't compare to Berwald's genuine smile. 

Monday was the day Tino struggled to survive, it always had been and Tino guessed it always would be. Even the Monday he was supposed to get drinks with Berwald dragged on forever and ever. 

Tino got to the bar looking adorable in a blue sweater and jeans but Berwald wasn't there, Tino waited and waited and waited but Berwald never showed. Tino called Lucas on his way home. 

"Berwald stood me up I can't believe this shit. Fuckin' hell." He said into the phone as soon as Lucas answered.

"Whoa, whoa, Tino, come to my place."

Tino changed lanes aggressively. 

"I'm so pissed." He muttered still talking to Lucas.

"Don't drive angry, Ti." Lucas said.

Tino's driving was scary, for someone so small and innocent he was a reckless driver. He changed lanes last second and thankfully he used his blinker. You'd think he'd be dead at this rate with his horrid driving. The only person worse than him was Emli which shocked people.

Upon arriving at Lucas's house Tino angrily walked to the house. Without knocking he busted in, every movement conveyed how angry he was. Tino slammed the front door and forcefully sat down with Lucas's dog. Lucas sat with a huge book on his lap and a pair of glasses on his nose, he looked like a nerd. 

"He stood me up, Lu." Tino immediately snapped.

Lucas smirked, "Is your phone on silent?" 

Confusion swept over Tino. "No?" 

Lucas's eyes flicked over Tino regarding him with silent amusement. 

"Does he have your actual number?"

 Oooh. Shit.


"Why'd you give him a fake number if you liked him so much?" Lucas asked, eyes returning to his phone.

"You don't get to judge me when you have the dorkiest crush on Matthis!" Tino exclaimed. 

At this Lucas laughed very loudly but he sounded happy, "you got me there." 

Tino felt happier and Lucas solved the entire issue without even looking at Tino directly. 

"Call him, asshole." 

That's what Tino did, he worked out a new day for drinks. Tino could take his cat, his alcohol, and his disappointments and thank Lucas (which is what he did).

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