The wedding

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It was the 19th of July 1922 , the sun splitting the trees and in the back garden of number 7 we had both a ceremony and a street party after, all very much to my surprise but everyone even Tommy knew he and the rest of the family even my ma had, had a hand in organising it every last detail and I hadn't even twigged at Ada's request for me to were white that morning, but now my life as a proper shelby was about to begin, and with that my mind wandered back beyond France to happier times when my brother and I had been young and both our and Tommy's mothers had been alive , my brother George had died at the somme not far away from where Arthur was and for that he'd never forgiven himself, and to be honest nor had I very few knew that I had seen him in the moments before he died ,oh how I wish he was here today but that's life we can not dwell on the war , although I don't think it will be long judging before the amount of drink flowing it wouldn't be long before many of us would take a trip down memory lane , it was sooner than I thought with me with the arrival of someone I hoped and prayed I'd never see again Abraham.

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