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Well not exactly for me at least but back in the shelby house , pol seems surprised to see Tommy smiling for once , that night was time for him to tell me his story .He told me about the tunnel collapse and that Danny and Freddie had saved his life although both now dead he seemed lost like there was no one left in the world how knew where he'd been but there was me .

What I hadn't told anyone is that I'd played a man for most of the war cut my hair bound my chest and wore loose clothes , until I was shot but not by conventional means but by a pistol at close range and my secret was up , I was a disgrace I was told so I said to everyone the medals I wore where my dead husbands (although I've never married ) and that I was a nurse , by the time I was finished and Tommy to ,we were both in tears , that's when I noticed his next secret the limp he'd forgotten in that moments sadness to desguise.

"Tommy "I said "are you alright you appear to be limping " he stopped and looked at me then with the pain now evident on his face he came towards me , "you should be a detective Sarah , really you should, two days I've been like this and already you've noticed " "what happened Tom" "Billy fuckin' Kimber, that's what happened why do you think I'm black and blue I might be a bit nuts but fuck I don't harm my self. " "my legs broken Sarah don't say a word to anyone that's why I've been hiding away " Tommy you can't hide all those weeks till it heals "" no I won't just till I can walk and ill tell the family if that makes you feel better ""yeah it does Tom , it does all I want is to make at least some of my family proud .

"Oh you have rakli you have " he said with tears in his eyes.

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