The terrifying truth

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I followed Arthur and John to where Tommy was lying ,I was running and running through the rain with tears in my eyes , it seemed to last forever .

There he was sitting in the middle of the road looking at me . I ran straight to him still crying and through myself around him , then I noticed a big bloody hole in his knee "Sarah, Sarah, shh please don't cry I'm alive ain't I , I can't walk but it don't mean I can't marry you still "

"Well before we go anywhere your seeing a doctor " , "No , take me to uncle Charlie he can sort me out the way him and curly do horses , no doctors I don't trust them ".

"Tommy, please I pleaded, at least see one for me what if it's infected " " kek, Sarah I won't " .

We took him to Charlie strong and then home to aunt polly who went just as daft as me , " God Thomas what have you done now ""It's alright pol, it's alright I'll be fine " Arthur, John for the love of god someone tell me what's going on " Arthur stepped in " we came across Kimber and his men on the way back from the pub and well we got in fight. And that's how we come to this mess "

"God in heaven, how are we going to cope with an invalid and all these children " I said " aunt polly I'm sure I can look after Tommy till he can do for himself and we'll manage the bairns as usual "" yes that's the best idea I think Sarah ".

And so it began all the endless hours of nursing and taking care of the children, until one morning I gently knocked on the door as usual and instead of the morphine induced grunt came Tommy's voice "come in "he was sitting on the bad stripped to the waste , I'd never seen anything like it scars and tattoos everywhere but still the most attractive man I'd seen and believe me I've seen a few . "I here you've been looking after me Sarah "" aye , that I have Tom , that I have " "thank you rakli " he said standing up very shakely leaning heavily on the stick we'd left for his use as his leg imediatly gave way , "I think you should go back to bed dear " I said gently "No, I can do it don't worry " "I only want to go down stairs to see everyone " "alright dear alright " , and so I half helped , half carried him down the narrow wooden stair case , to a whole family of smiling faces and bizarrely the vicar.

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