Chapter 30

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~Jonathan's pov~

I've never ran so fast in my life. Jumping over fallen and standing trash cans just to get to him. My heart pounding in my chest from running.

Then the ground started getting closer and closer.

"Ugh!" I landed harshly on the ground. I rolled onto my back as pain exploded from my head. I wanted to cradle my head in my hands but laid still because of the pain.

"Mr. Terroriser will be very pleased with me." I strained my neck to look for the person speaking but only caused my vision to blur and making me lay my head back down on the cold concrete.

"Please. I need to get-" I couldn't form a sentence as I struggled to see. I closed my eyes and focused on Evan. I need to get back to him.

"You need to what? You see, I didn't have to do this. He didn't ask me. But I need the credit. Always thinking I can't do anything right. Let's take a picture. See what he thinks about it." I opened my eyes and started seeing double of everything.

"Don't. Please. Evan ne-" he kicked me in my side causing me to clutch it in pain and curl into a fetal position.

"Shut up." I saw his blurry figure pull out something and aim it at me. "Say cheese."

~Brian's pov~

I haven't spent time with Brock in our long that it feels nice to go out. We went out for ice cream and walk in the park so he could relax. I noticed he seemed really stressed and it worried me. Frowning slightly, I pulled him into a hug. He seemed surprised at first but relaxed and hugged me back.

"Thank you." He mumbled into my neck. I pulled back and kissed his cheek.

"It looked like you needed it." I stood on my tiptoes and pecked his lips.

"I did." He smiled at me before leaning down to kiss me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we lip locked in a passionate kiss. I jumped when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Brock chuckled. "You can it." He said pulling back.

I have him a shy smile and looked to see who interrupted my date. I noticed a few text messages from my right hand man, Sean. I stared curiously at the messages and reluctantly opened them.

As soon as I did the blood drained from my face. This can't be. I told him no more. I said I was done. I'm with Brock now!

"Brian? Are you okay?" He placed a hand on my shoulder as I began hyperventilating.

"No. No no no no. Listen Brock. I didn't tell him to do this. I told him I was done with that because I'm with you. I didn't want this to happen. Please believe me!" He looked at me confused and scared.

"What's going on?" I handed him my phone and he dropped it. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I began crying hardly.

"I told I him I was done with evil! I didn't want this to happen! Please believe me!" Tears repeatedly ran down my face. I stared up at Brock's hard eyes and watched them softened.

"I believe you." He pulled me into a hug and I clutched onto his shirt tightly. "We can deal with this afterwards. Shh, it's okay. This isn't your fault." He rocked us back and forth while my shoulders shook as sobs fell from my mouth.

"I just wanted to feel special. I didn't want this to happen." He pulled back and looked at me. He wiped my tears away but more fell.

"I don't blame you for this." He kissed my lips and pulled me to him again.

"I'm sorry."

~Evan's pov~

I rushed to the motionless body and fell to my knees.

"Jonathan. Jonathan!" I began shaking his shoulders. "Wake up! Jonathan wake up!"

"Don't shake him!" Alex yelled, but I barely paid attention to him as I desperately tried to get Jonathan to come back. My heart pounded against my chest as tears pooled in my eyes.

"God damnit wake up! Please! Don't leave me! I'm sorry." I calmed down some and rested my forehead on his. I took his hand in mine and intertwined them. "I'm so sorry."

Next thing I know there's blue and red lights surrounding us as an ambulance pulled beside us. Men spilled out of the car and made their way to Jonathan.

"We need you to step away from him." They said cautiously approaching me.

"No. I can't."

"Evan come on." Alex wrapped his arms under my armpits and pulled me back. When I felt Jonathan's hand slip from mine I thrashed around.

"No, stop! Don't take him! Let me go!" Fell from my mouth as I desperately tried to get out of Alex's grip as panic rose in me. I watched them load him onto the gurney and take him to the ambulance. "NO!" I finally got away from Alex and ran to after it as it drove away.

Falling to my knees in defeat as I watched it roll away.

'No.' I thought as I shifted quickly and took flight. I heard my name being called by Alex as I got higher in the air. I followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital. I caught a glimpse of Jonathan with wires and machines hooked up to him. I felt my heart break at the sight. Before I could go after them I felt my back hit a chest.

"Don't do it." I heard Brock whisper. I finally broke down and fell to the floor.

"It's a-all my fault. I c-could have s-stopped him. I could have prevented it!" My body racked with sobs as I covered my mouth. I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"It's not your fault." I threw my arms around Brian's neck and cried as he held me. "Let's get you home."

"N-no! I can't leave him!"

"He'll be fine. We'll come back. Give him some time. Go get some rest." Brian said comfortingly. I nodded my head reluctantly and stood up. Brian helped me out to Brock's car and they took me home.

When they dropped me off they want back to the hospital as the guys bombarded me with questions that I didn't answer as I numbly walked to Jonathan's room. I layed down on the blue sheets and smelled them. A strangled sound cane from my throat.

"I'm sorry. I love you."

Wow. So that happened. Fight me for it. Okay so QnA time. You know the drill.


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