Saving Aden (18): You Might Have Noticed

Start from the beginning

"Drive safe," I called out after him. I couldn't tll if the Guardian in me had naturally said that, or the worried girlfriend side of me had spoke.

"I will," Aden yelled back as he closed the front door behind himself.

I stood motionless in the shower, letting the hot water cascade down around me as I lost myself in my thoughts. 

I didn't even get the chance to ask Gage how he was healing, I thought, turning up the water's heat a few notches. I really hope he's doing alright.

My mind wandered back to how and why Gage was attacked as I washed my hair.

We can't match those types of attacks, it'd be impossible. Gage would have to open a whole other part of the corporation in order to keep everyone safe, I realized. Maybe I'm just over analyzing things. I'm sure it was just a mistake, or at least just a one time occurrence.

An hour later I was dried off, dressed, and leaving the apartment building for Paradise. I pulled out my phone, sending a quick text to Gage.

I'm headed your way. What can I do to help?

"Leaving so soon, Ms. Devlin?" the doorman asked, his eyes curious.

I frowned slightly, my gaze instinctively checking over his neck for tattoos. "Yeah, I've got a few errands to run," I answered cautiously.

He smiled widely as he pushed open the doors for me. "You have a nice day then, Ms. Devlin. I hear we're supposed to get some good weather this week."

I smiled back politely. "Alright, you too."

We're still questioning guardians. In fact Dane says it's your turn to be questioned.

My jaw almost dropped in astonishment. I couldn't lie, the fact that Gae and Dane felt the need to question me was offensive.

You want ME questioned???!!!! WTF?!?!

Gage's reply came quick, much to my relief. 

It's a standard procedure. Plus it'd be good to have these answers from everyone on file. Relax.

I closed my phone, too annoyed to respond.

Standard procedure my ass, I growled internally. That's the same line of shit they've been feeding every Guardian.

"Who was your creator?" Dane asked, his lips twitching in amusement.

I crossed one leg over the other, slouching back in the chair. "You already know this shit, Dane," I hissed.

He grabbed his pen, scribbling some notes down on my file. "Snappy attitude," he read aloud as the pen moved.

"I'm not snappy," I growled, irritated.

Dane looked up at me, raising his brows skeptically. "Really now?"

I opened my mouth to say more, and then sighed in defeat. "You don't understand how much of an insult it is to be sitting here getting questioned by an asshole who suspects me to be a spy."

"Hey, I'm not an asshole," Dane said defensively.

It was my turn to lift my eyebrows. 

"Alright," he agreed with a chuckle, "maybe I am sometimes..."

"More like all the time," I coughed.

"Oh shush, woman," Dane teased. "Now, let's get this show rolling here so you can get back to helping." I nodded, waiting for him to continue. "What are your views on the human race?"

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