Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

“Really, thank you.” Scott said as he walked shakily over to the bed and put a hand on Stiles’ arm.

He felt a jolt come off him and stepped back, staring down a little taken aback.

“What happened?” Allison asked.

“He… didn’t you feel that? He shocked me.” Scott said.

“It’s not a shock.” Karissa said, pushing herself off the floor and getting to her rather unbalanced feet. “It’s a bond.”

“Here we go…” Boyd shook his head.

“Relax, it’s nothing sinister or life changing. The two of you are just… connected now. Like blood brothers I guess but you’ll have this kind of… I don’t know, humans call it a sixth sense but that’s not really what it is either.”

“Well spit it out then.” Lydia said.

Karissa shrugged. “You were his protector and now that bond is sealed. If he needs protecting you’ll get this pull, it’ll be the same the other way too, as far as I'm aware.”

“He is totally going to hate that.” Scott smiled a little.

“You’re also immune.”

“What?” Scott asked.

“To me, or any of my kind. You and him. It’s the sacrifice I get for saving him. I betrayed my sister, my ancestors and so it’s a punishment I guess. If you believe in that stuff. I can already feel it niggling away inside of me.” She folded her arms and sighed just as the sheriff came back through the door.

He stopped to look at them all a moment. “This is a pretty crowded room… I didn’t think Stiles had so many friends.” He tried to chuckle a little but he was still under the impression that Stiles was getting worse rather than better.

“We’re just going Mr Stilinski, you probably need some time.” Allison said with a warm smile.

The sheriff returned one as best he could and most of them flooded out of the room and into the hall, Scott stayed back for a few minutes, just thinking.

“Well, I think I’m going to go.” Karissa said, stretching out. “Hate to save a life and run but-”

“You’re not leaving until we know for sure that he’s going to live.” Erica growled and Isaac stood by her side.

“Can't you see the signs? He healed the link marks and his body will be recovering on the inside because there’s no poison killing him from the inside out.” She gave them a smile but Erica just narrowed her eyes.

“Let her go.” Derek said forcefully.

They all turned to stare at him.

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