Family Bonds: Reina Beaumont part 2

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~Continued From Part 1~

A fading dream,

A dying heart

A hand reaches

And finds a chance.


Between the dream

And the dreamers

A life comes forth.


A gift of hope

A dream from within.



I have heard parents say two sides to being a parent, some say it is stressful and best avoided.  Others say it is a truly rewarding part of life.

I think I have to agree, being a parent is a wonderful thing.  It isn’t easy and there are days when you wish you had never given birth, but those thoughts soon fade away when your child smiles, laughs or just holds your hand.

To nurture a young life that comes from within you or one you adopt, to tend to it’s every need and to watch that life grow and learn from you and everything around itself is one of life’s most beautiful treasures.

I love my daughter with every ounce of my being, for her I would and will do anything I can.  She is my beautiful angel.

I understand why my mother loved her children so much, we were not only her escape from a life in the Military, but something so precious and wonderful that her love for us gave her the strength to endure living as a citizen of a brutal Empire.

I think that if she had been able to turn back time and take her children to a better place far from the Empire, she would have.  And my father would have gone with her for his love for us was a deep love that gave him the strength to never return to the Military.

Motherhood is a funny thing sometimes, and also a wonderful thing.  That is if the mother truly loves her children.

I will say this for being a mother, I will never give it up for anything.


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