Chapter 19: Where You Belong

Start from the beginning

Jade made a face,"oh how great..."

"Girls?"an all too familiar voice said.

We turned around to see our dad. I mean we haven't seen him since the move and we miss him like crazy. Sure he comes home but like when we're asleep and he's gone before we're awake.

"Daddy!"Jade and I exclaimed as we got out of our seats and hugged him.

"Awe I missed ya girls,"he said as he rubbed our backs.

He sat with us at the tables and we just talked.

"So anything interesting happening in school?"he asked before drinking his coffee.

"More than you think,"I murmured.

"Perrie had a boyfriend, but of course he left her. We made new friends though on the bright side,"Jade said.

My dad sighed before looking at me,"you sure you're ok Per? I know this must be hard on you."

", I'm fine dad. Anyway, uh, how's Katherine?"I asked.

My dad looked umcomfortable,"about that. I-I don't know how to put it to you girls, but um...she was hit by a drunk driver when she was crossing the street to head to the airport to uh..come here."

"What?"was the only word that came out of my mouth.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I understand if you girls don't wanna go to school,"he said.

"No. We'll go, it's Friday anyway,"Jade said emotionless as we got up.

"I'll have Marco drive you girls,"Dad said before he gave us kisses on the cheek before we left.

The whole car ride to school was silent. Marco didn't make a sound, neither did we.

I started softly singing 'Here Comes The Sun' by The Beatles while the motor of the car roared.

By the time we arrived at school I was in a even more horrible mood. Standing at the front gate was Kylie and Madison, kissing.

I nearly choked on my own tears.

"C'mon let's take the side entrance,"Jade cooed as she led me away.

I looked at the corner of my eye that Madison was staring at us while Kylie rambled on and on about something. But I knew he didn't feel sorry for me, I knew he didn't care what is going on with my personal life. He didn't.


All of us were ushered onto the auditorium. I sat next to Jade who kept me steady for most of the day. I couldn't stop thinking about Katherine. Was she ok?

"..alright Miss Berry and I will each call a student up there,"the junior's music teacher Mr. Harris said."First up is Gabrielle Friedman."

We saw Gabby go up on stage. I heard some of The Populars snicker but I ignored them. Gabby had a beautiful voice.

She sat on the stool and cleared her voice. As the music began she opened her mouth and sang 'Wrecking Ball', the acoustic version of course.

I guess a lot of people were stunned including the Populars, 'cause after no one said a word. When she finished she awkwardly got up and walked down the steps and back to her seat.

I didn't really pay attention to other people's performance well besides my friends of course. Angelina's version of 'Breakaway' by Kelly Clarkson was jaw dropping. Savannah's version of Royals' by Lorde was breathtaking.

"Next is Kylie Benson,"Mr. Harris said causing me to frown.

When I heard her sing I wanted to bleach my ears. Yeah she was that terrible. But of course The Populars made us clap.

"Uh alright, thank you Miss Benson,"Mr. Harris said."Uh next is Jade Edwards."

Of course the clique snickered as my sister went up the stage and sat on the stool. She got the mic settled before the music started. The song she was singing was 'Breakeven' by The Script, since she loves Danny O' Donoghue. Of course her tone was very sultryish, a bit raspy, and silky so it was kinda hard not to love her voice. 

Our band was one of the best things in my life. I lived for it. We did gigs all around England, mostly little tours. Now being in America, doing this duet thing is harder. Nobody knows who we are...

"..that was beautiful Jade. Next is Perrie Edwards,"Mr. Harris said.

I stood up my seat and walked past Jade who gave me a supportive pat on the back while I headed to the stage.

I saw eyes on me, burning to my back. As I made my way to the stool all I could hear was the sound of my pounding heart, each heart beat scaring me. Why was I so nervous? I've done this before. Oh right, Madison's here.

I sat down on the wooden stool and lowered the mic so it'd be easier to use. As the music began I took a break before singing the first verse. The lyrics easily came out of my mouth and I heard the tone of my voice. I love the song it was 'Where You Belong' by Kari Kimmel and it meant so much to me. I first found it on YouTube finding a song to do a cover for and when I came along this it made me so happy 'cause it meant so much to me. I smiled as I continued on the song when I saw my friends give me thumbs up. Even some of The Populars were enjoying it but of course Hollie and her plastic friends scowled at their actions. I couldn't help but stare at Madison as I was singing, he seemed to be loving it, but if he did, and if he did love me. Why did he break up with me for Kylie?

"...thank you Miss Edwards, that was..beautiful,"Mr. Harris said.

I smiled as I walked back to the seat. Gabby beamed a smile, Ang gave me thumbs up, Savannah looked like she was gonna faint, and even Lita cracked a smile and that was saying something. 

"That was beautiful as well Miss Edwards, so all of you will be graded on performance wise so until then you may all go,"Miss Berry said.

Was this Where / Belong? Or is this all a mistake?

Ok so in total this chapter has 1650 words yup...I'm not crazy cos there's a bar telling me. Anyway I saw the Cory Tribute and I was bawling my eyes out dudes. Like he is my idol, having him gone is like not able to find the air to breathe anymore. But I know he's probably in a better place now. Where no one judges him anymore, where he's free from his demons. So Rest In Paradise'll be remembered...

Much Love Guys.



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