Taking off! Maybe... (Pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"I told you guys, you shouldn't have gone." Alex told off.

"You didn't go?" I asked, in a surprise tone.

"No. I didn't." Alex confirmed. Why didn't he go? I thought, Wasn't he hungry?

"Aubrey?" I asked, starting to panic again, "What time is it?" I watched her eyes enlarge as she figured out in realization.

"Umm... Eight fifty..." Aubrey replied slowly.

"We need to go!" I warned, starting to run.

"Race you!" Shawn challenged Aubrey. Hey, that was our thing... I thought, frowning.

"Stella? Wanna race?" Alex grinned.

"Sure!" I answered.

"Ready! Set! Go!" Alex shouted. I ran as fast as I could.  

"Hey! Wait up!" Olivia complained.

"We're gonna make it!" I yelled, cheerfully.

"Guys! wait! Ahhh!!" Olivia screamed. I jerked around. Olivia was on the ground. I looked ahead, then turned back to Olivia. I had to go back. 

"Olivia? What happened?" I asked, extending my hand to help her up. 

"I tripped." Olivia said.  

"Can you walk?" I questioned. 

"Yeah. My ankle just hurts a little." Olivia explained.

"Alright. But we NEED to go." I warned, emphasizing my words. I started running again. this time with her running beside me. 

"Thanks, Stella." Olivia answered. 

"Anytime." I replied. I looked ahead, and  breathed in relief. 

"Look! The gate!" I shouted. 

"Nice! We're here!" Olivia exclaimed. Alex was nowhere to be seen. He probably boarded the plane already... I thought. 

"Hey!" I said, approaching one of the clerks.

"Boarding pass?" The clerk asked. 

"Right here." I confirmed, reaching into my back pocket. Nothing was there. 

"One second..." I assured, reaching to my other pocket. Still nothing. Where'd it go? Did I lose it?  I thought. 

"Young lady? I'll take your pass." The clerk said, gesturing to Olivia. She handed her pass over, and started to walk inside. I looked around, starting to look back, where I had ran. Then I spotted it. It was about two yards away. I turned back to the clerk. 

"Uhh, I see my pass... but it's kinda far away. How much time do I have left?" I questioned. 

"Three minutes." The clerk warned. 

"Thank you." I said, dashing off. I could make it. If I hurried. I ran, faster then before, the pass spotted. 

"Got it!" I exclaimed, and ran back. 

"Here." I said extending my arm, gasping for air. 

"One minute to spare. Pretty good." The clerk eyed. I smiled briefly, and boarded the plane. I looked around. My grade was seated in the middle of the plane. 

"Stell!" Someone shouted. I walked forward, to find Alex patting the seat next to him. 

"Come sit next to me!" Alex requested. I plopped down. Alex took the window seat, and I took the middle. 

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