Pre-Concert Rehearsal

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Renae sat down in her seat on the stage.  She pulled out her music and started to play.  

"Oh."  The voice startled her for a second.  Renae turned around to see Gideon standing behind her.  He was a percussion player, and he had darker skin and a mop of curly black hair.  


"Nothing.  You're just the only person in here."  Gideon shrugged and went to fetch his drumsticks from the band room.

Renae sighed.

Sometimes I feel that way.

A week ago she had been in the marching band night over at South East High School.  Now she was back into the band routine, and some aspects of it weren't the best.

A trumpet blast shattered Renae's silence, and she looked behind her to see Ari.

"Hi."  Renae said, turning back to her music.  More and more students filed in and took their seats.

Some of the kids had started playing one of their concert pieces, and Renae decided to join in.

Just a few measures into the piece, and Dr. Karahalios whisled loudly.

"Quiet, everyone!"  He shouted above all of the noise.

Renae was immediately silent.  

The rest of the class took about a minute to quiet down.

"Alright.  Now you all know that our concert is tonight."  Dr. Karahalios started.  "We have got to get your parts in order for this evening so that we can sound our best!"

There was a mumble of agreement - or was it groaning?

They all did a run through of their pieces, and many people got safe-seated in the midst of all of that.

Cassie was checking her facebook on her iPhone behind her stand.

Jaydon was having a conversation with the saxophone player next to him.

Skyler was chatting with Ari.

Renae just sat there.


This happened for the rest of the class as Dr. Karahalios talked at them about the paper that they were all supposed to turn in a week ago.

It was appaling to see how many people still didn't get even the second part done.  

Renae, of course, already had it done.  Unlike some of the other students, she worked.  She worked her best to do her best.

It was time to pack up.

I sure hope that the concert goes well.  Renae thought, grabbing her gig bag and flinging it over her shoulder.  She was vaguely aware of what her friend, Rebecca, was talking to her about.  It must have been something about basketball and her nose.

Renae waved goodbye, and headed off to the door where she usually took her exit.

I'm going to be back here tonight.  I just hope I don't mess up...

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