The Band Room

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Renae walked into the band room with her black gig bag flung over her shoulder.  She smiled as she saw Dr. Karahalios sitting at his desk, beaming at her.

"Good afternoon!"  He said with his usual cheerfulness.  Renae repeated the greeting back to her band instructer.  She set her bag down gently on the floor and zipped open the front flap.  She pulled out her slightly tarnished trumpet and her cool plastic mouthpiece.  Just like normal, she walked quietly to her seat and started fingering her music.  Slowly, she heard raised voices drifting down the hallway.  Renae sighed.  Here they come...

"HAI, DOCTOR KARAHALIOS!"  Cade yelled at the top of his lungs.  Renae winced.  

Typical trombone player...  She thought as Cade started to open his locker and getting his instrument out.  Then she heard more trampeling feet coming through the door.  She turned around to see Devin, Rory and Lium.  Devin was an extremely short kid, with a mouth to make up for that.  He played clarinet and was fairly good.  Rory was probably the best saxophone player in the band, and he was rather heavyset with long, red hair.  Lium was a clarinet player, too, but was significantly better than Devin.

One by one, the class filed in and people took out their instruments and sat in their seats, talking and playing Lean on MeOats Peas Beans, and other random tunes.  Renae just started playing Stonehenge at one of her favorite places.  

Then the other trumpeters came over and sat down.

I wonder what they will do this time...  Renae thought, groaning inwardly.  This year she had been the only person in her section not to be warned or sent to a safe seat.  Of the five trumpet players, she might as well be the best player of all of them, even though she had recently got her braces off, which ment for harder playing.

Ari, Skyler, Jayden and Cassie sat down in their respectful seats.  Of all of the trumpets, Cassie and Jayden were the ones who never really did behave.  Ari and Skyler had their fair share of warnings, but never anywhere near Cassie and Jayden.

Cassie was a motermouth who never seemed to think about what she was saying, and just talked to hear her own voice.  She had long, straight highlited blond hair and looked very pretty.  She had recently gotten her braces on, so she was in the same predicament as Renae.  She was infamous for her incorret way that she held her horn.

Jayden was a migit with short, spiky light brown hair, and huge, watery brown eyes.  He was very sarcastic and disobeyed Dr. Karahalios just to get laughs.  He had a bright red trumpet, and was an OK instrumentalist.

Skyler had short, messy black hair, and glasses.  He makes many coments behind Dr. Karahalios' back, and sometimes reads during class.  That was the only really bad thing about music stands.  He was probably the best male player in the trumpet section, though.

Ari was most likely in cahoots with Skyler, as she herself has done a lot of reading behind the stand. Many times, though, she just talked with Skylar.  Ari had long, light blonde hair that she usually let fall around her shoulders.  She was rather heavyset, but seemed to be a relatively funny person.

Renae?  Well, she didn't really comunicate with anyone unless she had to.  The reason was that she only came for band at this school because she was really a homeschooler.  She was the only one who held her trumpet correctly, and who took it home to practice.  She never spoke unless spoken to, but she wasn't a goody two shoes.  She just knew how to act in a class setting, and she didn't want to get yelled at by the teacher, as she was rather sensitive.

Dr. Karahalios stepped on the podium at the front of the classroom, and motioned for everyone to get quiet.

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