(3)Meet Mr. Knight

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"Dear take her bags I'll show her around. Come on!" Amanda had strength, she really did for a small little body like hers because the next thing She knew she was trying to keep up with the seer. And she's a werewolf for gods sake

Amanda didn't hesitate to show her around as her mouth started moving nonestop. She showed the marbled entrance, their living room, the kitchen and the rooms upstairs. Although it wasn't big as the packs kingdom, they were more modernize as she looked at everything with interest

"The house is amazing" she gushed. She was never to fantasize rooms nor it's interior design but she couldn't help but love how homey it felt

"I'll show you your room! We don't usually have other females residing here that I could be friends with other than Lucas and Raph, although their is Margaret- the cook, she doesn't understand our umm...... Kind" she finished

She's human then?

But she didn't ask. She was too busy gawking at everything until she step into her room. It was simple just as what she had at home. The queen bed rested by the middle while there were only less furnitures- she was fine with it.

"It's not much but-"

"It's perfect" Savanna smiled as she looked again. Their was a huge window where she could see their garden but it didn't have the maze she had at home. Theirs were cut clean with no shrubs nor dirt. They took good care of their garden well enough

"Pretty huh?" Amanda cam forward and looked at the garden with her "you know your mother also liked flowers. It Was the only thing that was girly about her"

"Really?" She asked but her eyes still trained towards it's variety of colors surrounding the grass

"Hmmm if you want to go, theirs a door in the kitchen that leads you there . You can go whenever you please....if you want"

"Thank you" she said but turned towards Amanda with a sad smile "but I should unpack. It was nice of you guys to let me come"

Amanda smiled. Savanna still couldn't help but find Amanda so beautiful. It was clear Raph had it hard when he had to fight men away from her

"How did you meet Raph?" Savanna couldn't help it, she was curious with the length of their gap was. As Amanda had surmise, she was a hundred and fifty and the age of Raph had been itching to be known. Pretty much Amanda was older then him but then again it didn't really matter on who had lived the longest though

Amanda's smile suddenly brightened when she heard her mates name and so she spoke "I met Raph when he was just but a teen. I was a uhh— a woman with sexual desires that came with a price when Raph's family came over to the human world. In all honesty I almost sold myself to his father" she giggled while Savanna could only look at her weirdly but a dreamy smile came into her face as she spoke again

"But I've seen that I knew he would reject me for he had a wife, a mate and so I understood. I never met Raph for I couldn't vision my future. It was how us seers live life. We tell people their fortune while we can't do anything about what happened to us but then he invited me to dinner with his family and living life alone, I felt it might feel good to be with people for once and damn I don't regret ever coming" Savanna watched her twirl a ring that hung on her necklace. She watched as she held them like it was most most special thing then gold

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