Naomi has...Friends?

Start from the beginning

In the end, I decided to lay her down. That way, she won’t slump against me and I can fix her shirt. I leaned on top of her and started buttoning her up, sighing out loud. I can’t believe I already faced such problems so early in the morning. I mean, there’s already Tyler to begin with, but now I also have Naomi to worry about.

Just as I was at the fourth to the top button, the door swung open. Something flashed. When my eyes adjusted, I saw Natt and Nick standing in the doorway, holding a camera and grinning wickedly.

“Looks like we’ve got a good shot bro,” said Natt as he examined the photo he took.

“Good,” said Nick.

“What the hell are you two –“ And then I realized what our situation looked like. I was leaning on top of a sleeping unguarded girl, with her shirt half open… Ah shit. In short, I looked like some pervert undressing a defenseless girl.

I started getting up, blood boiling in rage as I stared menacingly at the two dorks.

Nick saw this and snatched the camera from his brother. He took a photo of me, the flash blinding me momentarily and then they bolted, running for their lives. I clenched my teeth and swore to get revenge and delete the photos. But before I could run after the damn fools, I heard Naomi murmur behind me. I glanced back, trying to calm myself down. I saw the state of her shirt and decided to button her up. It just wasn’t right if I left her like that. And as I was at the last button, she said (with a f*cking happy smile) “Stevie… I miss you…”

Stevie… Who the f*ck is Stevie, Naomi?

Naomi Carter


 I had the most funny dream. I saw Stevie there taking my hand as he smiled warmly at me and asked me about my day. I told him everything.

I opened my eyes when I heard someone screaming.

“NO!!! I PROMISE I WON’T DO IT AGAIN!!! JUST GIVE IT BACK!!!” a child cried. Tyler?



I lazily got out of bed and went out of my room. I found Tyler jumping, trying to reach for something. West was standing right in front of him, holding a large panda stuffed toy. I approached them and was surprised to see Ty actually had tears in his eyes. I frowned. “West, give him back the panda.”

West looked at me and childishly stuck his tongue at me. He lowered the panda and Tyler seized the opportunity, not knowing he was being tricked and as he jumped for it, his big brother raised it higher. His tiny hand grabbed at the air uselessly.

Tyler’s lips trembled and he sniffed. I ran to him and looked at West. He sighed and shook his head. “Why are you being so mean?” I asked as I hugged his crying little brother.

He frowned, “He’s not actually crying dummy.”

Tyler stiffened in my arms. “Yes I am!” he said angrily.

“No,” said West, “you’re not.”

Tyler pouted and stared at the ground.

“What’s this about anyway?” I asked as I hugged Ty. He hugged me back. Aww.

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