Chapter 2

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This is a pic of R/Ryan but keep imagining your own if you want to.
I walked up behind her smirking as I scared her. She smirked back at me as her beautiful eyes shined. I heard a distant sound in the wind and my ear twitched as I herd a single scream. I looked at her and pointed in the direction of the river. She nooded before shifting and bouncing off her beautiful cats fur shined in the high sun. I let out a quiet gasp, her feline never fails to amaze me. I shifted and ran after her as we got closer I heard the screams and I knew she heard them to. She spead up he paws seeming to not touch the ground. I tried my best to keep up with her lightning fast running. We stumbled onto the payment in which whatever was happening was happening. I saw Em shrink for a second as if she knew this person his eyes seemed to imitate you even if he did mean to. His mouth was full yet he presses it into a thin line as he eyed us then I realized we where still cats I looked at Em and nodded once we both shifted. His face went as white as a sheet and his eyes held Em's as they stared at each other. He took a step towards her and I stepped in front of her hissing at him. He hesitated and stepped forward I stepped back yet staying in front of Em. "So" he said his voice deep and dark with sharp edges I sensed Em wince behind me slightly. " My dear beloved Em has found another partner " he said sneering at us. " J-Jacob back off " Em said moving to stand next to me. I tensed as the man who I now knew as Jacob reached behind him and his hand clamped into the shoulder of a little girl who looked at him fearfully. He shoved the girl in front of him and took a gun out and pressed the barrel to the girls temple. She whimpered as tears streamed down he face. "Let her go " Em said taking a step closer. And his finger moved to the trigger. The girl shook as if readying herself. Quickly I lashed out the BANG of a bullet sounded yet the girl was in my arms and was safe. Jacob hesitated which have enough time for Em to kick him in the place where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned and leaned forward only to have her knee smashed into his face. As he felt backwards my foot shot out and slammed into the back of his head almost knocking him out cold. He then finally turned and ran only to pick up a remote he dropped and put his finger to hover above the button. " You take one step closer and I will send these people sky high" he said. I saw Em's eyes darting around and I knew she was making a plan. "Jacob listen to me" she said holding her hands in surrender "I don't know why your doing this but would you explain it to me you ow me this at least" she said making pleading eyes her purple eyes widened to have a puppy effect. He looked taken back as if that was not what he expected. "You broke me, you left, we fought together then you just had to move out here to (find yourself)" he sneered at his words and the blood running down his face didn't help. "Ok look I'm sorry but I need to find myself and when I came here I saw how much this city needs me it changed and I just had to stay here" she said looking him dead in the eye. "Sure" he said in a disbelieving tone "Are you sure it wasn't because of him?" He said pointing at me. Em looked at me and for once I couldn't read her eyes "part of it was him I will admit" she said witch almost made me puff my chest out. " When I met him I found someone like me " she said. "No one is like him" she said sending me a small smile with her eyes. I looked back as she turned to Jacob " I also stayed here because the people that you are endangering right now need my help" she said her eyes flicking from person to person. "Well this was fun" said Jacob" but I think that it's time to cause some mayhem" he said his finger drifting closer to the button.
Hey guys let me know if you think the book is going to fast!

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