Chapter 2

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I wake up at 8:00am, because it is Saturday, and I don't work on the weekends. I see the joey still crumpled up into a ball on his blanket. He looks very cozy, so I try not to disturb him when I walk past. I creep down the hallway and into Skye's very pink and yellow room, where I see she is still fast asleep. She never gets up early. It's a good thing on weekends, but not so good on school days.

I walk out into the kitchen and get myself some weetbix and yoghurt for breakfast and lazily scramble onto the chair, slowly eating my breakfast. Then my spoon is knocked out of my hand. BOOM! A fluffy tail whacks me in the cheek, and before I know it, there is the little joey, sitting on the table.

"What are you doing up there?" I say, even though I know that he can't hear me. He puts his paw on my hand that is resting on the table. I pull him up to my chest and give him a big hug. "You're lucky you're cute," I say as I snuggle my face into his fur. He cuddles up in my arms. "You've got to go back in my room," I mumble. I stand up, walk into my room and plop him onto his little bed. He is so cute. His legs almost touch his face when he curls up, and his eyes slowly blink until he finally shuts them. I walk out of the room and continue eating my breakfast and on my last spoonful Skye comes out with her dressing gown and slippers on. I practically jump out of my chair and drag her into my room.

"Shut your eyes," I say to her. "Why?" she asks back. I answer, "You'll know why in a couple of seconds." I open the door, grab the joey and say to my daughter, "Okay, you can look now." She opens her eyes and screams. Her face lights up and she runs to hug the joey. He leaps into her arms.

"We got a joey!" she screams. "Can we keep him, can we, mum? Pleeease?" I smile at my little girl with the little joey. "Yes," I say.

She screams excitedly and somehow manages to hug me wit the Joey still in her arms. "Let's call him Dreamer," she says. I nod my head. Dreamer. What a cute name.

So we all went out into the backyard and played hide and seek, and surprisingly Dreamer was actually the best at it. Then we went inside and I watched Skye play with Dreamer like he was a doll. He didn't really seem to mind it that much.

I think Dreamer is going to be in our family for a long time.

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