1: Awakened

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It was dark and silent, No dreams plagued my slumber, There was no need to awaken. I was lost in my own endless perfection of serenity.

Those where the words that looped endlessly in my thoughts like a broken record player, Over and over I told myself this was perfect, Peaceful, Beautiful, But in reality I knew I was lying, All this darkness made me miss the light, All the serenity caused me to crave uncertainty.

I was ready for change, I could feel it in my veins and the way my spirit couldn't lie still anymore, how I was trying to push away the transparent walls that confined me to this.

I wanted to eat breakfast.

"... Open your eyes ..."

Holy crap a voice spoke, Distant, but real and not my own. It made me squirm in excitement and anticipation, For it was my sign to wake up, And mostlikely a relative.

But whoever it was, was rude. The lightswitch must have been hit because everything I saw became a bright white. I was frightened half to death and wanted to yell to turn it off.

My eyelids felt heavy, Like each eyelash held pounds of weight. It was hard work, I might have gotten alittle sweaty, But finally my vision was coming into focus.

I saw a soft blurry baby blue, And at the same moment felt the freezing cold, My skin was crawling with goosebumps, What happened to my blankets?

"... Open your eyes ..."

Couldn't she tell I was trying? But her words seemed to lift the weight off, Slowly, Like a hypnotic spell. And that's when I realized I didn't recognize the voice, and maybe it was all simply a dream after all.

The blurr cleared slightly, And in confusion I stared up at something strange and deffinitly not real. It was beautiful though, The center was a dot of glowing blue, and lines of the same glow zigzaged on what I could concider looked like petals off a flower. It was intriguing, Different.

"Open your eyes... "

They where open, Even though it was an ugly squint. I was beginning to be frustrated with the voice, Even people from my imagination couldn't seem to not be annoying. Or maybe they are just unavoidable.

That's when I realized I was lying in water or something, And it was draining slowly, Allowing air to touch my chilled skin.

I am going to get so sick.

My lungs filled with air, A pressure I hadn't noticed faded away.

"Wake up Link ..."

The air around me became steam as the last of the liquid drained, I sat up in confusion, Glancing into the darkness for a face.

"My name's not Link!" I spoke and my word's echo'd around the empty cave "Hello? ..."

Silence was my response.

This has to be a dream... and if I pinch myself it'll all just disappear.

"Ouch" I hished in pain.

That's it i'm officially insane. I've lost my mind and end up in a water painting cave. The least I could hope for was Hogwarts.

I glanced around awkwardly.

Deciding to get off the freezing cold rock I climbed out of the contraption.

The sound of my bare feet hitting the rocky ground made me glance down.


AND I'm naked! Well not completely thanks to a pair of men's boxers that where tighter then the short short's girls wore at my school. Crossing my arm's over my chest I looked around again hoping to find my sanity in a neat little box.

My sore eyes landed on something odd, Not that anything else was normal, But it looked specifically important.

"Sanity?..." I asked, Walking closer to the little platform, I gawked at the blue glowing lines carved into it, Hoping, Praying that anything would happen.


That's when I noticed I was in a cave with no exits, No direct entrance for oxygen and I had no food.

I'm so doomed.

Rip me.

I was litterally about to have a mental breakdown when a familiar accent rung in my ear's.

" ... Open your eyes ..."

I was trying to be releaved that I wasn't completely alone in some sense but her repetative words made my eye twitch in clear irritation.

I wandered away from the platform, Searching for her location but was convinced she was actually just the ceiling, Trying to taunt me with the idea that there was freedom somewhere.

" ... Open your eyes ..."

My blood boiled "They are open!" I windened my eyes and pointed "SEE"

" ... Open your eyes ... "

She stepped over the line, The line I call 'don't piss me off please'.

"That's it, I officially hate you and your crappy narrarating" I stated, With a huff I plunked down unto the ground, Crossed my legs and resting my face in my hands.

My butt is cold.

"Wake up Link ... "

The eary silence of the cave was replaced with the sound of running water, It peaked my curiousity and I stood in lighting speed, My eyes making a straight bee-line for the contraption in the center of the cave, The one I woke up in a moment ago.

My breath hitched, I was beyond shocked. I was looking at the most unbelievable thing ever.

In a pool of liquid rested a two tonned guy, But it wasn't just anyone, From the pointed ears to the hair, I knew, That it was Link, My Link, The Link from my favourite game.

Oh my.

His eyes where slightly open, Steam bellowed around him and he was in the same outfit I woke up in. It gave me the chance to look at his 'design'. The way his chest curved and hair remained fluffy and perfect.

My ovaries.

Within my frozen excitement he had sat up without me noticing, He glanced around, And paused.

His blue eyes locked with mine in shock, They widened and he gaped.

All I could think was, This is so much better then Hogwarts.

This chapter has been quickly edited.
Please feel free to comment critism or opinions :-) Thank you x

(Chapter 3-5 have not been edited)

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