When the door closes I put the dishes in the dish washer and press start. I set the alarm even though we are in the suburbs and I climb the stairs.

We moved back to Cali when the triplets turned 10. We had the money and we wanted a better life for our kids. Living in Atlanta wasn't good for us nor them. We bought this 6 bedroom 3 bath house and paid the mortgage off. I'm still doing my clothing line and Kasen has been back in school trying to finish his culinary classes. I'm proud of him. He made the change.

"Baby what you wanna do today?" Kasen asks.

"Can you rub my feet please" I say in my baby voice.

"Yeah I'll rub your lil pigs" he jokes.

I scowl and fold my arms across my chest.
He walks up to me and bends to my level. He presses his forehead to mine and looks me dead in my face with a smirk.

"I love you Dezmond only I can talk about your feet" he says
I roll my eyes as he pecks my lips. My cheeks start to blush and I sigh.

He pushes me towards the living room and sits on the couch. I sit next to him as he pulls up Netflix and puts on Narcos. He grabs my ankles and puts my feet in his lap. He starts rubbing as we watch Pablo Escobar show up on the tv.

"When I was younger I wanted to be him" he says staring at the screen.

"You wanted to be a infamous drug lord?" I say.

He nods and looks at me. "Until I found you" he says smirking. I give off a small smile.

We sit there in silence as we normally do. It isn't an awkward silence it's the silence that makes you feel comfortable. A silence that lets you know that no matter what you can get through it with this person. Good silence.

As Kasen continued rubbing I could feel myself drifting asleep. Getting up at 5 in the morning to put in business slots is hard. I'm a mom full time also so I have to wake my kids up,cook breakfast and clean. I never complain though because I'm blessed to be here.

I try to keep my eyes wide but I'm failing. I here Kasen chuckle from beside me and I look at him.
"What's funny?" I ask.
"Dezmond come here" he says opening his arms.

I don't hesitate to crawl into his lap. His hand finds the way to my butt and his other to my hair.
"Go to sleep baby,you deserve it" he says.

I lay my head against his chest and listen to his soft breathing. Lord knows I love this man.

*Kasen POV*

Dezmond started to snore lightly on my chest. This women works her ass off. I salute her for that.

What's been up with y'all? A nigga finally got something going for himself. Ive been taking care of my kids and doing this culinary arts things. Im a father first though.

I love my kids til death do us part.

As long as I have my wife and my kids I'm good.
I would continue telling y'all what's up but Dezmond's phone is ringing.

I slid the accept button to her iPhone 6 Plus and said hello.

"Is this the parent or guardian of David Harrison?" A deep voice ask.
"Yeah this is his father" I say
"Nice to meet you Mr.Harrison I assume,...um David has gotten into an altercation here at the school and we would like to inform you that he will be suspended for 3 days" the male says.

What does he mean he assumes? My kids not allowed to have my last name now?
I sigh and tap Dezmond.
"Hold on one sec I want you to explain to my wife what's going on" I say.

Thug Love 4: Blood MoneyWhere stories live. Discover now