Chapter 1

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I sighed slumping forwards in my chair, resting my head on the desk. I rubbed my eyes it was the last class if the day and I really wanted to go out and run. I sighed again and I felt a tap on my shoulder. My head flew up and I found myself staring straight into Ryan's eyes. He passed me a sheet of paper that read hey are you ok? I looked up and nodded my head once. He instantly turned back around and I rolled my eyes boys never understand. The bell rang signifying the end of the horrid day. I practically flew out the door winding my way to the back of the school to exempt myself from the horrid hallways and crowds of people that struggled to make their way to the front. I sighed but in a good way as I breathed in the fresh air since I was half cat yes I'm half cat and started walking back home. When I got there I ran to my room threw open my balcony door shifting into my half cat a ran across the roof tops. "Don't you think it's dangerous to be running out in the open like this?" A voice behind me said. I let out a yep as a tail wrapped itself around my waist and pulled my to what felt like a wall. I rolled my eyes and turned to R whos dirty blond hair made a halo around his head. His full lips and sweeping check bones accented his somewhat perfect face. I pushed his tail off from around my waist "look who's talking" I said smirking "the boy who's out in the open as well" I said jabbing a finger into his chest. He just laughed and shook his head. His smile fell as his ears twitched he turned and pointed towards the river. I nodded and shifted into my full cat body. I mind linked some of my wild friends that roamed the streets to go scope out before we got there. R followed suit shifting and running after me his eyes shining with worry yet you could see excitement. I rolled my eyes and mind linked my friends and they showed me what we where dealing with. It was bad. A tall man with sweeping dark hair stood in front of the river as slowly and calmly he strapped bombs into people. He made them stand about 10 feet apart as children watched with horrified eyes and that made me angry. I ran faster my paws hardly touching the ground as I pushed myself faster. We had to make it halfway across town to help and I ran pushed more of my human out and more of my wild feline in. She gained even more speed when the screaming reached her sensitive ears. As we ran into the clearing I saw something that startled me even more the man turned and I finally saw his face it was my ex-boyfriend.

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